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Now Is The Time To Be What You Are – Magic In Motion.

mindset personal growth Jan 21, 2019

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here (recorded May 14, 2020). 

I believe in magic, do you? I believe EVERYONE alive is magical as fuck. They just may not know it, yet.

Take me for example. I spent most of my life disconnected from my emotional self and inner truth.

Part of that has to do with how I was brought up. My family did not communicate. Emotional intelligence was completely lacking and as an empathic INFP that simply caused me to go within. Not to actually find deeper meaning, rather, I spent much time lost in creating alternative realities to tolerate and often to escape the one I was living in. At least I was creating, I’m sure I could write several fantasy novels from those years.

What I finally learned by the time I arrived to my 40’s was that it was never truly safe for me to face my emotional reality. As a child raised in a punitive strict christian home, where corporal punishment was administered, empathy and emotional support was...

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Lack of Joy? How to Revive Your Passion

Passion, what lights you up currently? When you are passionate you allow yourself to explore your desires and to go towards the things that make you feel joyful.

I am all about fully enjoying my life these days, I didn’t used to. I used to lack joy. In fact, I was so apathetic and fearful that I used to just spend hours fantasizing about life, instead of actually living it. There’s a long history there that stems from trauma and abuse that caused me to not feel safe. This created a lot of blocks in my entire being as a whole, but I’ve done a lot of inner healing to overcome that.

Listen to this blog post as a podcast - Episode 123: Lack of Joy? How to revive your passion - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

There have been many times in my life that I have sunk into 'lack of joy' mode and lost my passion. I'm not alone in this. I know a lot of women struggle with this lack of joy, apathy, boredom, no motivation. This also shows up in...

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Love Is The Best Medicine Of All

It’s 2019, a year to take radical personal responsibility for your life and healing yourself. The good news is, your body has the capacity to heal itself. And love is the best medicine of all.

Your mind, emotions and spirit have an enormous impact on your body. How you think and feel about yourself and the world, as well as how you experience spiritual connection makes all the difference in healing your body.

I feel like I could write a whole entire book on this, maybe I will … for now, I want to empower you towards self-love and healing yourself.

I know it may sound cliche to say that love is the best medicine of all -all we need is love and a million other songs come to mind, but it’s so true. Science now even shows it.

So I want to help you tap into this. Even if you are someone who grew up without adequate love or were unloved as a child, you can still re-write your story. You can give yourself the love you deserve first. You can heal your own childhood and...

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Why Winter Is The Best Time To Slow Down

Life is full of challenges. It’s a beautiful chaotic mess of ebbs and flows.

One thing I’ve learned over the years after facing many challenges (as a single mom in burnout), not only the ones life throws at you, but the ones you face on purpose to stretch, grow or overcome something is the incredible importance of REST.

I feel like I can’t express this enough.

You have to recharge your energy before the next challenge begins, so you are refreshed. Even if you feel super driven or motivated, you can’t always be in production mode. It’s so important to take time out from the busyness of life to restore your energy. This is the only way you can really heal your body and mind.

Listen to podcast version of this blog post -Episode #46  : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

You see, constant stress and tension will break even the MOST RESILIENT people. I believe I am resilient, but let me tell you, life took me down...

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How To Break Free From Feeling Uncomfortably Numb

mindset personal growth Jan 07, 2019

I spend a lot of time in the woods daily hiking, meditating, contemplating. I like to tap into the wisdom of the woods to help me stay in touch with myself.

I never used to give myself this gift of space and time. I always felt like I had to be doing something else that seemed more ‘responsible’ or dutiful. Needless to say, I was rather anxious and kind of uptight. And probably not the happiest or most fun mom either.

And I know I’m not alone in having felt that way.

I believe our culture as a collective is struggling to feel like themselves and most people (if they were honest) feel like they are just ‘getting by’ in their day to day life.

This leads to not knowing who you are or what your soul passion really is. What really lights your soul on fire. That was true for me.

Thankfully, I woke up and gave myself permission to start doing things that allowed me to expand and get in tune with myself. Space to breathe, meditate, dream, grow.

As I walk...

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Why You Need To Stop Seeking Approval Right Now

So it's another New Year, what are you going to do with it? How will you move towards your most vibrant health and life in 2019?

I shared recently how I reflected on my journal last year over the holiday season. It's a powerful fucking thing reading through your daily musings for an entire year, I highly recommend it. One thing I noticed in doing so, was where I let myself down. I'm not sharing that to feel regret or elicit any pity, but to acknowledge it for what it is/was, so I can shift.

You see, I played small many times in pursuing my dreams and visions because I kept seeking approval.

Playing small is the same thing as DOUBTING yourself, your abilities, your gifts and your soul purpose work.

A big lesson I learned, like a hard smack in the face lesson was that I was seeking approval when what I really needed was to give myself permission to BE exactly where I was at and show up as ME. I'm talking about in my work, in my life, in my relationships, with my writing.

I needed to...

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Why You Need To 'Self-Care' Like Your Life Depends On It

Yes, I am aware I just used self-care as a verb that was entirely intentional.

The Collins dictionary definition of self care is: "necessary care activities, such as eating, sleeping, and, which are or should be initiated and performed by the individual receiving them, rather than an external carer."

I’m sure you’ve heard all the typical analogies & quotes giving you permission for your own self care.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup”.
“Put Your Own Oxygen mask on first”.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
“Self care isn’t selfish”
“Self care is not about indulgence, it’s about self-preservation”

Logically you can understand why self care is important, but do you actually follow through? It's time to give yourself permission to get really radical about your own self-care this year, I certainly am.

As you know, I’m a single mom running...

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How I Created An Empowering Winter Vision Board

A vision board is a way to create a powerful visualization practice.

My first ever vision board I did a few years back, was when I decided to start living much more intentionally. Instead of feeling held back, I chose to break free from the old ways of thinking that were keeping me stuck. And boy, what a journey that has been.

I decided that instead of waiting for life to happen to me, I wanted to happen to life. What a shift that mindset was, let me tell you. While I can’t say I embodied that mindset overnight, what I can say is that it has led me to a greater experience of self-actualization.

My vision board from 2016 helped me take my breakdown and turn it into a breakthrough. You can read my first vision board post here and follow along with my progression.

Last year (2018), I decided to do a quarterly vision board. I love doing it this way now, instead of once a year, because it gives me a chance to shift with the seasons. Every season I feel is a new opportunity for...

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This Is What Happens When You Journal Daily For A Year

Here we are in 2019, and I for one could not be more excited and grateful. Grateful for all that 2018 taught me. Excited because I get to take the lessons forward into this new year and leave behind what no longer serves me.

One of my favorite tools to help me on my personal growth and health journey is my journal.

Journaling has taught me so much more than I could possibly express in one short blog, but allow me to share some of the best benefits.

What happens when you journal daily for a year

You increase your self-confidence, spark creativity, remember what you have been grateful for and how your gratitude grows, you learn to manage your emotions, you write down your goals and realign them as they and you shift, you heal more deeply from trauma, you let your dreams speak powerfully into your life, you learn a state of mindfulness you never knew before, you strengthen your ability to communicate your ideas... In essence, more than you could have ever imagined!

The top 3 benefits I...

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Vulnerable Share: How To Love Yourself As You Are


Let's get vulnerable together, shall we? Totally naked, real, raw and unashamed.

Let's have a conversation about letting go of all the shame and judgement we put upon ourselves about our bodies.

I've gotta be honest and say, I'm pretty sick of the diet industry, the beauty industry, fashion industry mindset. Basically, any industry trying to make us believe we are not already WORTHY enough as we already are.

American culture has perpetuated a lot of body shaming. And you and I are at the effect of that unfortunately. But we don't have to let it impact us anymore. You and I, we can get honest about how we observe our own bodies and do something about it.

In this video, (you can watch it by clicking the play button in the image above), I shared my thoughts about this very conundrum we face.

My mission? To help you learn to love yourself just as you are.

How do you observe your own body, are you super critical of it? The only way you can embody more self-love is to shine the light on...

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