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Greetings, dear readers & listeners! As we venture into the heart of summer, I hope you're relishing every opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Personally, I've been diving headfirst into my rewilding journey, delighting in the taste of freshly picked blackberries, feeling the mud beneath my feet, and even embracing encounters with the frogs, snakes, and other creatures that share the woods with...
Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )
In this episode, I shared a message of clarity surrounding this new season we are shifting into. If you are struggling right now with ruminating thoughts around life's challenges and wanting to see a change this episode could bring you some much needed support and clarity.
Listen to episode #114 : Rebirth, renewal and restoration - Find: A Joy To Be Me ; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
I am leaning and learning to be at peace with myself and my present lesson of patience and self-acceptance. The Universe has a way of providing teachable moments. The lessons may appear in the form of what seem like recurring setbacks that repeat themselves over and over until you absorb what you need to change about your mindset.
To be patient and resilient.
The last 2 days the word resilient has been hanging out with me big time. We are heading into a season of rebirth, renewal and restoration....
In the above video training I'm sharing what an HTMA can show you and how it can give you peace of mind. In this video, I share Emily's HTMA results, why she chose to get it done, her top concerns and what we focused on. Her results gave her peace of mind because it explained a lot of why she was experiencing certain symptoms.
Want more blogs and videos like this?
Jennifer shared how her decision to work with me through HTMA shocked and thrilled her.
Anthea learned how to own her worth through my mind body coaching partnered with HTMA.
A long term client, Julie learned how to love herself and also LOVE HTMA.
Have you ever felt like your physical, mental, emotional health was so out of control that you tried obsessively control it with food?
Do you constantly think about your food so much, you worry about everything you put in your mouth and wonder if your body will react ?
Do you feel like there aren't any safe foods your body can tolerate right now?
Do you restrict to the point of complete misery and still aren't getting better, which then leads into episodes of binge eating to comfort the physical, mental, emotional pain you are in?
The Bigger Problems That Ensue When You're In Burnout & 'Food Obsessed'
You begin to feel insane and your thoughts drive you so crazy . This food obsession literally sucks all the joy out of eating and creeps into your entire life. You may get moody at meal times, and not really be satisfied with what you are eating. Then you entertain thoughts of secretly binging but become depressed because you know that could derail your health for days. So you...
50% Complete
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