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SHE is powerful

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In this episode I shared a potent piece of writing that flowed through me this morning - I hope you find it encouraging as you listen or read. 

Listen to Episode # 136 : SHE is powerful - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

They tried to silence and suppress her voice
Her curiosity would question
They would stifle
“Shh child stop asking so many questions”

Every time her wild child showed up she was dismissed

She would get sent to school with perfect french braids only to come home looking like she put her finger in a light socket
She could NEVER sit still
She was and is a tsunami in a teacup
A wild voracious force not meant to be sat down, shushed or tamed

The only safe place for her wild to be free was when she got lost in nature or hid out in her room

She’d wander the woods, creeks and climb in the trees
She’d make mud pies and sing to bugs

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PODCAST: You Are Not A Fraud

In episode #31 of the podcast, I'm sharing thoughts and resources to help you deal with imposter syndrome. A psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

Imposter syndrome is when you doubt yourself, your skills, talents or accomplishments. You may have a persistent ongoing internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". This can happen in many areas of your life.

Imposter syndrome can be DEBILITATING. It can cause stress, anxiety, low self confidence, shame and even depression. 

One of it's biggest limits is that it affects your ability to go after what you want in life.

BUT what if impostor syndrome could help you pave the way to success and your big beautiful dreams? What if you could learn how to use it to your advantage?

Remember your brain is always trying to keep you SAFE.

So if you learn to listen to what your imposter syndrome voice is really trying to...

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PODCAST: Flow With Your Feminine Energy

In this podcast episode, I'm diving into how to flow with your feminine energy to avoid burning out trying to hustle in your 'masculine' energy too much.

The masculine energy likes to DO, and the feminine energy craves to just BE. If you've hung out with me at all on the podcast or social you'll have heard me time and time again encouraging women to stop DOING so much and start BEING more.

I personally got burned the heck out as a single mother and sole-preneur because I spent a lot of time learning how to operate in my masculine energy. It took me a long time to figure this part of my health out and when I did it brought so much relief. It freed up so much energy to allow myself to operate more in my natural energy which is my feminine energy. I began to FLOW in my life, work and relationships.

I have seen this tendency for the modern woman and mother to be very hyper-vigilant which is more of a masculine energy. Losing sight of the beauty and freedom to be more in their true...

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PODCAST: What do you want? With David Hayward

In this podcast episode, I have a powerful conversation with my good friend David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor. I brought him on because he has been a rock for me personally on my own journey back to be me. I found him the year I 'woke up' to be able to say it's A Joy To Be Me. (Which is why I chose to name my podcast what I did).


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode we talk about how:

You are completely okay as you are,.
You are VALID.
You are a creative wonderful thoughtful beautiful person just as you are.
There is nothing you have to be, except who you are.
If you can get to that place of self-trust where you can just embrace yourself and love yourself, that's when things start happening!
Realizing what you want is not selfish
It's okay to have what you want
Knowing what you want and just doing what you want

De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want...

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PODCAST: Open to your amazing beautiful life

In this podcast I have a wild and powerful conversation with Michale Chatham a visionary who facilitates change in others from a place of knowledge, experience and energetic calibration.

Her education and clinical background are vast; Bachelors of Science in Nursing, IBCLC, Licensed Massage Therapist and trained as an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist. 
She has 30 years experience in Oncology, gastroenterology, Industrial toxicology, Biological and Airway Dentistry. She is owner and founder of MyoWild® a concierge of consciousness and helps clients create their unimaginable lives. 


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Having spent the last 30 years immersed in clinical practice, she has discovered a unique frame to help clients ditch the treacherous allopathic path so they can create a turned on life. She has a unique ability to see quickly to the truth of the matter is like a laser ...making her a...

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Choose to EMBODY the you who you want to be

You get to choose to EMBODY the you who you want to be.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that I could live life in full color.

Instead of living in my mind, like an old fashioned movie reel.

Black, white, shaky, fuzzy, sound quality subpar.

Instead of living as if my life was happening TO me...

I began to lean in and see that life was happening FOR me…

And eventually, realized, I can happen to my own life…

What do I mean?

I mean waking up every day, free of feeling obligated and enslaved to living the way I am supposed to according to society.

And instead, asking myself every day, the question…


And then giving that to myself…

The funny thing, was that I learned what I want is quite simple most often…

The beauty of this gift of giving to myself, is I get to live from within versus from without.

Without - meaning outside of myself, as if I have no say and have to live according to what’s expected of me as perceived by...

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How to be true to YOU

'To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who were you before the world told you who to be.

Don't remember?

Me neither.

To do so, I had to strip a lot down and away to get down to the real raw authentic Lydia.

I had to look myself in the metaphorical and real life mirror and let myself SEE myself so I could truly BE myself. Accept myself. Love myself. Own myself. And still to this day, this mirror work continues.

I'll be honest, I avoided that inner work for far too long. For one thing, I didn't even know to do so. I was so conditioned to feel and think, I would never be good enough that it became my default position.

The authentic YOU calls you to put yourself first. Not a thing many of us have been taught is ok, rather taught it's selfish.

And because we want to be GOOD and liked, we avoid putting ourselves first.

But sister, that's the worst thing we can do and continue to do.

When we do...

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Your self-doubt has a message for you

Self doubt: Why do you doubt yourself?

For me it was conditioning from childhood. I didn’t feel like I was worth much of anything for various reasons.

But now that I’m an adult it’s my job to parent myself out of that conditioning and mind space.

Here’s the thing; you and I each were meant for something special while we live and breath on the planet. You and I, we each have our own purpose, calling, darma, gifts…

And deep inside you and I know our deepest gifts are there, even if we don’t see them yet.

Your life purpose, your gifts, your dreams, whatever they are - are MEANT to come out of you and into this 3 dimensional world. And because of that, you will sense a deep inner ache until they flow freely.

It’s much like the primal urge to mate or to procreate.

Because you have your own creative gift or purpose and I have mine -we all do, there is no need to doubt it’s there. It just IS. Something that is your unique gift, message, art...

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt and Pursue Your Dreams

Here you and I are, in a brand new decade, ready to embrace a life full of purpose, joy and pleasure.

I don't know about you, but if I have learned anything this past decade, it's this; self-doubt kills dreams more than anything else.

Self-doubt serves no purpose, it just holds you back from living the life you want.

Why do you doubt yourself?

For me it was conditioning from childhood (from my parents, my church, society etc...). I didn’t feel like I was worth much of anything for various reasons.

But now that I’m an adult it’s my job to parent myself out of that conditioning and mind space.

Here’s the thing; you and I were meant for something special while we live and breath on the planet. You and I, we each have our own purpose, calling, darma and gifts.

And deep inside you and I, our deepest gifts are there, even if we don’t 'see' them yet.

Your life purpose, your gifts, your dreams - they are are MEANT to come out of you and into this 3 dimensional...

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How To Overcome 'Energetic Clutter' From Burning You Out

Are you getting burned out by all the things you take into your life that seem like you want to pursue but they just load up like too many plates you have to spin?

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As a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur, I've found it quite easy to let the fire of my drive and hunger consume me in a way that leads to burn out.

And I've seen this very pattern in the women I coach, as well as the students I teach.

BURNED OUT with no energy to pursue what you really want!

It starts with an excitement for what is possible. However, that excitement without boundaries or clarity can end up becoming too much of a good thing. It becomes excessive energy, TOO MUCH to carry.  Which leads to overwhelm, exhaustion and the metaphorical 'spinning too many plates syndrome'.

What happens is then you end up not being able to focus, because your energy is leaking out in way too many ways and directions.

Where there is no focus or boundaries, enthusiasm can...

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