Grab My Magic of Magnesium Starter Kit

PODCAST: Vitality & energy rely on strong kidney function

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] / iTunes [HERE] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have reached out and shared how the podcast has helped you. Your feedback means the world to me and keeps me motivated on this quest. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a review on iTunes or sending me an email at [email protected]. Now, let's dive into today's topic.

In our pursuit of health and wellness, we often face conditioning and hierarchical structures that...

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PODCAST: What is body voltage? And why does it matter?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Listen to Episode # 133 : What is body voltage? And why does it matter? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I get into BODY VOLTAGE -what the heck that even is and why it matters. 

Healing is voltage my friends - grateful to my friend for sharing Jerry Tenant’s work with me years ago it’s been something I’ve been working on with vigilance to implement in my own life as well as to understand and even start to get others excited about too.

Without electrons, without current, without voltage we are dead so the more charged up the fuller of life we are. 

Also, you may enjoy checking out my past episode with my friend Michale from 2020 [ Open up to your amazing beautiful life ], as mentioned in this episode. 



Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA...

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PODCAST: Are your cells made of plastic?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Where did we go wrong with the fats we are primarily consuming in our modern world instead of the nutrient dense fats traditional people groups consumed?

Listen to Episode # 131 : Are your cells made of plastic? : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode I share about I wanted to expound a bit on an aspect of what I shared in my last episode; 130 about my regenerative farm tour and fat soluble vitamins. As well as cover a bit more about why your cells are affected by bad fats. I shared about fat soluble vitamins in the nutrient dense foods I buy from my farmer - foods containin healthy fats. Today I want to provoke you to move towards that with greater fervor by exploring what the bad fats, rancid oils and trans fats have been doing to our health both collectively and individually.

First, did you know that without an adequate amount of GOOD fat, your cell membranes...

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PODCAST: Regenerative Farming Tour & Fat Soluble Vitamins

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

I had an EPIC adventure to share with you about my visit with some friends to a farm I’ve been purchasing from for the past 8 years here in PA.

Listen to Episode # 130 : Regenerative Farming Tour & Fat Soluble Vitamins : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode I share about this adventure then talk about one of the biggest benefits these nutrient dense foods I buy give me, my top 3 fave foods from their farm and why as well as share briefly about regenerative farming -which is what we should all be in search of near us and quit shopping at the frickin box stores with fluorescent lights and ‘food like’ products. 

The cost to you and your health when you don’t source from farmer’s like Samuel is too great.
Have you ever heard the old adage; you can pay the farmer now or you can pay the doctor later?
You almost can’t put a price...

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PODCAST: Energy Shifts & 2 Health Tips

I’ve been having some powerful energy dynamics in my life of late that I haven’t been properly channeling and using or directing in creative ways -such as this podcast for all of you. So I found my Man Gen self frustrated and experiencing disrupted sleep

Listen to Episode # 129 : Energy Shifts & Health Tips : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I’ve been reading this book, thanks to my friend Kaitlyn for that recommendation as it came up in a conversation we had about one of my own personal blocks/ patterns. She suggested I do an exercise from the book so I looked it up, read the free portion of it, bought it on kindle and devoured several chapters immediately. Literally on every page there were many 'holy fuck that’s potent' moments going on for me as the words pierced so deep for me. It was clearly the medicine I needed in the moment. The concept of the book is shadow work but from a perspective of making your...

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Guest Podcast: True health and healing

One of my biggest missions this past year has been to find a local like-minded community. I believe that community is a key pillar for our collective health. In these times we have lost the ways of the tribe that our ancestors long ago would have benefitted greatly from. 

In January of this year, I attended an Activation Watch Party to host the Greater Reset Virtual event held by the Freedom Cell movement. It was in Pottstown Pennsylvania and several of my local health and freedom collaborative friends attended as well. 

I met some amazing folks at that event, Jeff being one of them. Jeff and I hit it off right away with some potent convos. We found out each other hosted podcasts and I began to listen to his - the Go-Auf podcast. I was quite impressed. 

Recently we attended a weekend retreat with many others in this growing movement in this corner of our state. It was a powerful weekend and amazing experience. So Jeff and I chatted about that on this episode we recorded...

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Why we need high magnesium & low calcium

There is a bit of a hierarchy when it comes to minerals - we have our macro minerals and the main two most of us know are calcium and magnesium. This mineral pair really cannot be separated and requires the OPPOSITE balance we've been taught. We really need a higher magnesium and lower calcium consumption for optimal energy and health.

Listen to episode #86: Why we need high magnesium and low calcium Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I dig into this a bit more and help you understand how to look at these two minerals in light of our modern diet. Make sure you are looking at these two closely in your diet so you can make to avoid the problems of calcification.

Other episodes/blogs to check out 

- What is mineral balancing? 
- Is your pineal gland calcified? 
- How to take a magnesium bath?
- The Magnesium-Calcium relationship and why it matters for muscle health


Ready to increase your...

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PODCAST: Bio-individuality (there are no one size fits all nutrition approaches)

In this episode, I talk about bio-individuality. A fundamental concept that I was taught when I attended the Nutritional Therapy Association and how I approach supporting all my clients. Bio-Individuality can help us embrace the profound beauty of a flexible, integrative approach to nutrition.

Listen to episode #84: Bio-Individuality-There are no one size fits all nutrition approachesFind A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

While we humans share many similarities, nature created each human being as their own unique microcosm. We are more remarkable for the ways we differ than for the ways we are alike.

Understanding the concept of bio-individuality as it relates to you will free you from the lunacy of the media saying one day that, greens are good for you, and the next day – they're bad for you. One day, coffee is helpful to keep you regular, and the next, it can kill you. Meat causes cancer vs. eating high amounts of meat is the...

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PODCAST: Let's Ditch the Diet Dogma

I’m so tired, aren’t you of over analyzing what foods humans should or shouldn’t eat and people talking about this diet or that diet for this dis-ease state/ label or that. 

Listen to Episode #81: Ditch the Diet Dogma Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

There is no single diet created by a human that will ever work long term for anyone or anything. I don’t even care how much ‘scientific literature’ there is behind a given diet- there is no scientific literature out there that has the ability to observe all human over the span of a lifetime.

If you want to live your life according to a paper or diet someone else wrote based on their research -be my guest. I’m over it.

What I can say is, quality matters and to the degree it is possible I encourage sourcing quality outside of the slave system that has been created to mass produce cheaply for a profit with zero intention of benefiting the...

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