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PODCAST: What is body voltage? And why does it matter?

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Listen to Episode # 133 : What is body voltage? And why does it matter? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I get into BODY VOLTAGE -what the heck that even is and why it matters. 

Healing is voltage my friends - grateful to my friend for sharing Jerry Tenant’s work with me years ago it’s been something I’ve been working on with vigilance to implement in my own life as well as to understand and even start to get others excited about too.

Without electrons, without current, without voltage we are dead so the more charged up the fuller of life we are. 

Also, you may enjoy checking out my past episode with my friend Michale from 2020 [ Open up to your amazing beautiful life ], as mentioned in this episode. 



Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA...

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PODCAST: Let's talk about brain fog

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

So, I took a poll recently and asked what podcast episode you wanted me to do the most next and the majority of you voted for BRAIN FOG. 

Listen to episode # 115 : Let's talk about brain fog - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Now here’s the thing -this episode isn't short : which may seem cruel to do to someone who is dealing with brain fog. So please listen when you have a clearer mind and fully hydrate first! 

Brain Fog is one of the most common symptoms I hear about / it’s not recognized medically - because honestly I don’t think they know what to do about it because it’s roots are many and vary from person to person (and we know the medical is very limited when it comes to doing the deeper digging *snark*). It’s also not easy to medically test for and it’s quite subjective.

Brain fog may be described as feelings of mental confusion or lack...

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Detoxing your conditioning: Show the mess!

In today's post, I wanted to share something that came up for me in my journaling recently. I was listening to a podcast by Rainer Wylde; I can't recall which one.

Listen to this on the podcast; Episode #112 - Detoxing your conditioning: show the mess! Find: A Joy To Be Me On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

However, It nudged me to recall a part of my past as he stated; " I am not a proponent for staying at all costs. You have to have 2 people fully committed to growth." When talking about relationships/partnerships/marriage. 

He also encouraged people to 'show the mess'. The truth is that message had already been coming through over and over and over.

At first, I was like; "I thought I already was showing the mess? I'm pretty open already."

Then it hit me; there is more I can share that I haven't yet shared and in so doing, perhaps it will liberate others. I know when I hear others have struggles that I think are unique to only me, it gives me a bit of...

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PODCAST: When your blood pressure is low, so are you

I had a couple clients bring this up this week: anything in 3s I know I need to do a podcast -so here it is. 

Listen to Episode #108: When your blood pressure is low, so are you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

First person was someone who has been burning the candle at both ends since forever and just started back up training for the most intense race of her life. She was puzzled by why she couldn’t do it like she could before one day when she had shortness of breath and dizziness. I asked her to get her blood  pressure checked ASAP because off hand she did not know what it was or the last time it was checked. 

Here’s why it’s an important marker for health, especially when it’s low NAMELY because we never hear anything about what to do if it’s low or what it means if it’s low but rather are just ushered along; after hearing ‘your BP is nice and low’ 

They don’t have a...

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PODCAST: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you

Navigating food intolerances/sensitivities is something I have gone through myself and it’s something I have to explore with many clients as well. There can be a lot of moving parts to this food ‘allergy’ equation. It’s not as simple as ONLY avoiding or removing because then you never uncover what led to this and what can lead you back towards freedom.

That shared, in episode #106, I share some thoughts and a reframe for you as well as some considerations to start with before going straight to eliminating foods. 

Listen to Episode #106: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

It is important to honor our bodies where they are at when they signal a NO around a food. BUT it’s equally, if not more so, important to live in a FREE body. A body that doesn’t have to view real food as a threat. That is not a joyful way to have to live.

I’ve seen...

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Milk Thistle: A Must Have for your Holistic Medicine Cabinet

Over the past year, I’ve been upping my preparedness game to have a good store of ‘medicines’, along with foods, to support my family's health. I may talk about preparedness in an upcoming episode if y’all are interested do let me know.

In this episode, I talk about ONE of my faves for your family’s holistic medicine cabinet; Milk Thistle. 

Listen to episode # 94 : Milk Thistle - A Must Have for your holistic medicine cabinet : Find  A Joy To Be Me on; iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Herbalists and physicians alike used the milk thistle for hundreds of years to treat a wide range of liver pathology, including fatty liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and to protect the liver from environmental toxins. In this episode I dive into what it can do to support the body and how it can be used. .

Here is one great study I found - if you want to do more of your own research: 


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Your Inner Stress Barometer

In this episode, I talk about what I'm calling your inner "stress barometer" which notifies you when your mind and body are under too much strain. 

Listen to Episode #89: Your Inner Stress Barometer : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

When you become aware of your inner stress barometer-  it can help notify you when you need to give your body more of what it needs.  In order to restore your equilibrium you have to find the right balance in your life in order to restore harmony.

Does your body "act up" when you are stressed?

Do you get strange sensations that make you worry you might have something seriously wrong with you?

Do you listen to your inner needs when you are spread too thin, or do you "power" through it, depleting yourself further?

There's a line in the Lord of Rings in which Bilbo tells Gandalf that “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” 

If you can relate to...

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Burnout is like being in debt

In this episode, I painted a picture for you of what it's like to be in burnout.  It's very much like being in debt -starting with the missing minerals. We are all born into nutritional debt these days. This is important to acknowledge so we can do something about it, instead of remain in denial. 

Listen to Episode #87: Burnout is like being in debt : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

If you are not in acceptance of the challenges that have led to burnout you might have a really hard time on your healing journey. You may feel in a hurry, you may feel ashamed, you may feel a bit of cognitive dissonance or denial.

It's always important to SEE the big picture so you really know what you're up against and stay committed. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- How Can I Re-Energize My Body
- Remineralize to recover from burnout
- The #1 Mineral Leading to Burnout
- VIDEO: What total burnout looks like on hair tissue mineral analysis 

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Healthy homemade electrolyte drink, better for you than Gatorade

Hydration, a super basic habit we all need to employ so we can enjoy vibrant health. The first sign of dehydration is fatigue. And no, I'm not talking about just plain water. 

Please go check out my podcast episode where I might have ranted a bit about proper hydration in a persuasive yet big picture overview way like I tend to do.

It's episode #34; 'The Essential Habit You Need To Increase Energy' and you can listen HERE. 

Summer time is often when most people start to pay more attention to their hydration, because the sun and heat take it out of you. The problem is, most people are not getting sufficient minerals (electrolytes) to deeply hydrated cells, tissues and organs. 

So, I decided to make it super easy for you and created a homemade electrolyte recipe that is a replacement for Gatorade. We all know about Gatorade, right? We don't want the artificial colorings, preservatives, sugars and poor mineral forms from Gatorade. So, it's best to make our own. It's also...

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PODCAST: Mineral Balancing for Blood Pressure

In this episode, I chat about the many moving parts behind high blood pressure and how medication will never correct the underlying imbalance. The problem with a medication only approach is because the imbalances affect more than just one function. 

Listen to Episode #65: Mineral Balancing for Blood Pressure: Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Minerals are KEY in regulating blood pressure. Today we have so many mineral deficiencies or excesses that impact our physiology and they need to be looked at together. This is how we avoid ISOLATIONISTIC thinking that leads to adding bandaids on top of bandaids and never ever correcting function. 

I share trends/patterns and imbalances I see in my practice working with HTMA that correlate with blood pressure. Unfortunately, high blood pressure is not assessed thoroughly in the allopathic world. 

I like to solve the biochemistry problem versus thinking we are 'solving' the problem with a...

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