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The Power of Potassium: A Free Guide

In this episode, I give a shout out to one of my FAVORITE minerals: POTASSIUM. I share a quick overview of why you want to pay attention to how much you are getting to avoid the downsides of it's deficiency.

Listen to Episode #88: The Power of Potassium : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I also created a resource for you: a free guide: THE POWER OF POTASSIUM.
Grab that >>> HERE <<<

I also remind you about the hierarchy of minerals and how magnesium and potassium are joined at the hip so to speak.

It’s impossible to overcome potassium deficiency without first replacing magnesium and low potassium levels can increase urinary magnesium losses. So, I'm actually building upon all the past materials I've created and shared with you about magnesium. 

Minerals work as a team. They run the show of your human energy system and they can't be underestimated. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- Burnout: Heal Your Body...

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PODCAST: Kidneys need minerals, not medication

In this episode, I'm talking about the health of your kidneys. Most of us take our kidneys for granted every single day. We don't really think about them until one day something goes wrong, like kidney stones for example. It's important to know in advance that the kidneys need minerals, not medication. 

Listen to Episode #79: Kidneys Need Minerals, Not Medication : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The kidneys maintain mineral and healthy fluid balance.

But you've got to give them the raw ingredients to work with so they don't struggle to do their job.

Kidneys need hydration to be ON POINT.
True hydration is water plus minerals
Dehydration concentrates calcium and other minerals in the urine.
Water follows salt. Salt has to be ON POINT.
Real salt consumed for your daily functioning needs.
Magnesium has to be ON POINT.
The kidney has a vital role in magnesium homeostasis, deficiency (which is common)causes them to struggle
A potassium rich diet...

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How to take a magnesium bath

It's no secret, I'm a big fan of minerals. One of the ways I teach my clients how to remineralize is through topical application. There are a number of ways and reasons to do this. 

Magnesium is the first one I recommend anyone get started with. In a recent post, I explained to you how magnesium helps to relax muscles. But it does so much more than that. 

Why Use Magnesium Transdermally?

The vast majority (if not everyone) of people today have a magnesium deficiency. Our soil has been depleted for so long, our food is too and most people do not get enough in the diet as it stands. It's also not in our water these days. Not to mention, many things easily deplete our tissue magnesium stores.

Taking oral magnesium supplements is often not enough to restore tissue levels of magnesium since we do not actually assimilate all that is ingested. So we must apply it topically to help rebuild (aka: transdermally). 

Why Magnesium Chloride Flakes Are Better Than Epsom Salts to...

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The KEY building blocks every health trend in 2020 is missing

So many health trends out there in 2020 which one should I pick to try ? 

Right now biohacking your health is trendy.The keto diet is trendy. Super food bowls are trendy. Veganism is growing strong. 

Doesn't matter what the trend, none of them are complete healing paths. They are all just hacks, not necessarily getting you the building blocks you need for optimal health. 

Many of my clients come to me having tried this diet or that diet or this trend or that trend. They are still missing something because they don't have the energy they would like and they feel SO ON EDGE. Not to mention a myriad of other random health complaints that all the hacks and health 'bandaids' they've tried haven't fixed. 

The truth of the matter is, the trends are like throwing fancy decor in a house that is missing some of it's foundations. When you are missing the key building blocks in the foundation of your health you won't create lasting health. You won't get the results you truly...

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Why you need to remineralize your body

If anything 2020 has highlighted, it’s that we need to be WAY more resilient as humans.

Both in our physical health, but also our mental health.
Not to mention increase our bandwidth to better deal with stress.

So it can roll like water off a duck’s back, know what I mean?!

Your internal reserves are what give you resilience.

People who struggle with feeling like they are about to collapse if one more life stress comes their way, are usually dealing with deficient inner reserves.

What do I mean?

Well they don’t have the building blocks in place for their body to run
optimally so they can deflect life's stressors like a super power.


They don’t know they are missing the building blocks for one thing. Next they don't even know what building blocks they need. Additionally, they are burning up what little reserves they have by falling deeper into the rabbit hole known as the modern life.

What are they missing that keeps their reserves in place?

Well, MINERALS for...

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You Need To Know How To Put Your Health First

Over the years I've worked with a lot of women to help unravel their health concerns. One of the biggest things I've noticed is that it's really hard for women to put themselves and their health first. And I'm on a mission to shift that paradigm.

Your health is your greatest asset and gift. It's no one else's job to take care of your physical health. Only you can do that. Sure other people can encourage you, but no one can do it for you.

I learned the hard way and didn't put my health first for a long time as an adult. I wasn't really modeled how. I grew up on processed food just like you probably did. Once I finally learned better, I to make the choice to do better. So when my health finally did come crashing down, I finally took heed and started putting my health first.

I hope I can help others not wait that long. You can do so much NOW to prevent your health from crashing, but only if you put your health first. Stop making it a backburner priority and put it on the front burner....

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How to Power-Up With The Most Balancing Mineral


In light of my goal to empower women to radically transform their lives and  reclaiming your personal power I have to share more about MINERALS. I believe minerals are magical! They create powerful transformation for your mind, body and overall health. They are the spark plugs of life. One of the most powerful and potent minerals is POTASSIUM.

Minerals are one of the most important things you need to put into your body EVERY SINGLE DAY for vibrant health.

Potassium plays a role in every heartbeat. A hundred thousand times a day, it helps trigger your heart to squeeze blood through your body. What do you suppose would happen if you were deficient in potassium?

Potassium is a key electrolyte mineral. Normal body function depends on tight regulation of potassium concentrations both inside and outside of cells. Most people today are not getting enough potassium in their diet.

In my video, I dove into a simple primer on how and why to get started with potassium. You can watch that...

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Why You Should Float in a Tank of Salt

health minerals self care Feb 08, 2019

I can still remember the first time I heard about salt float tanks, from friend Julie. I couldn't comprehend the concept of getting into a giant dark tank of salt water and just lay still in there for more than an hour. That was back when I was in hustle mode and couldn't meditate for shit.

Now that I've learned the art of zen-like behaviors, such as that of actually being still (ish), I am ALL about self-care practices like floating. My sweetie and I enjoy going to our local float place for a date night now and then to just relax and let go of stress. And we always get THE BEST sleep those nights.

It's a bit of a learning curve for some folks to fully benefit. I've found the more I go the more I can fully relax, meditate and visualize. It's a powerful space for deeper healing and benefits a myriad of things.

If you have ever had the thought or feeling that you could just 'slip away' and float leisurely some where away from your daily life & grind... I'm pretty sure you should...

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How To Destress With The Most Magical Mineral


lt would be remiss of me to continue talking about mindset and 'magic' without including more about MINERALS. I believe minerals are magic, meaning they create powerful transformation for your body and health. They are the spark plugs of life. One of the most magical minerals is MAGNESIUM.

Magnesium ignites metabolic reactions in your body, produces and transports energy. Magnesium works inside your tissue cells, bonding with ATP to produce energy for your body’s vital force. So, as you can imagine it’s essential to understand how to utilize this miracle mineral to enjoy vibrant health.

Magnesium is the ultimate chill pill. One of it's best perks is the ability to help your heart, your nervous system, as well as help you create energy. Not the jack you up like a shot of expresso 'energy', rather the even steady clean & clear energy.

In my video, I dove into a simple primer on how and why to get started with magnesium. You can watch that by clicking the video player in...

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Important: How Minerals Help You Cope Better In Life

How do you cope? I know it's not something we all feel comfortable talking about, but I believe it's an important conversation worth having. To cope better in life, you can't ignore your challenges you have to face them. But sometimes you may need a little understanding and support.

Listen to episode #93 : How Minerals Help You Cope Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

When I graduated the Nutritional Therapy Association in 2012, my eyes were opened to the decline in mental health and how nutrition played a big role. I was so impacted by this, that 3 of my colleagues and I created an online course called; A Calm Mind. We tackled how we believe we were supposed to have sense of well being and be better able to cope in life than we are today. We covered all the nutrient deficiencies quite thoroughly.

A couple years later,  I began to work with hair tissue mineral analysis in my practice, and saw the many connections to our ability to...

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