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Practical Solutions for EMF Protection


In this episode, I chat with my friend Brian Hoyer and EMF expert. We cover all the forms of EMFs we are currently exposed to, and how to reduce exposures. Why we want to reduce exposures and how this impacts our health.

Watch through the video player in the blog post above or on YouTube HERE

Years ago when Brian was in my area of Southeast PA, we created a couple of videos. You can check those out HERE ( How to get better sleep and improve your health ), HERE ( Why Microwaves are bad for you ) and HERE (How to eat healthy on the road ). 

Grab a refreshing mineral rich beverage and be ready to take copious notes : this is like a mini course for those who want to start taking immediate action steps. 

Brian goes over what he calls the 3 D's: 

- Downtime (sleep, eat, detox)
- Duration (of exposure)
- Distance (from source of exposure)

He also shared a few resources while we chatted. Two books mentioned were; Boiled Frog Syndrome and EMF'd by Dr. Mercola. As well as a

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VIDEO: Minerals Protect Us From EMFs


I wanted to share a couple of cool things with you real quick

First a quick win story from a single mom of two little girls. She had been having a lot of difficulty at bedtime getting the girls to settle down to go to bed, stay in bed and fall asleep. It was beginning to take its toll. I suggested she try putting the ReMag balm on their feet before bed. She finally got back to tell me: it worked like a charm. The girls are going to bed peacefully now.

Before they would do the whole drag bedtime thing out, and this poor single momma was getting quite frazzled because that was her own decompress time. If you haven’t tried out the ReMag Balm yet, you can grab some
HERE. Use code: LydiaShatney on your first order to save 10%

Another benefit of magnesium in light of a pending topic I’ll be discussing with my friend Brian Hoyer, an EMF expert, on the podcast this week : is EMF protection.

Something to note that no one seems to be talking about while working on EMF protection...

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