Episode #214: Rethinking Thyroid Health: A Path to Authentic Expression
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In this episode, I delve into why I think how we have collectively been thyroid health has been a disservice and what we need to know and do instead. I share a bigger picture view so we can take that and then chunk things down more sensibly to target repair and rebuilding our health instead of a bandaid approach such as hormone replacement only.
Plus, I chat about my two core functional approaches minerals and microbes then I dive into my 7 pillars as they pertain to thyroid health. It's so good! When you start to see it this way, nature's way, you will be better equipped to make lifestyle habit adjustments.
Why we need more women in their full Thyroid expression: My Rewilded Functional Approach
Over the years, I've had many conversations, primarily with women, seeking answers to a range of health concerns...
In this episode, I give a shout out to one of my FAVORITE minerals: POTASSIUM. I share a quick overview of why you want to pay attention to how much you are getting to avoid the downsides of it's deficiency.
Listen to Episode #88: The Power of Potassium : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
I also created a resource for you: a free guide: THE POWER OF POTASSIUM.
Grab that >>> HERE <<<
I also remind you about the hierarchy of minerals and how magnesium and potassium are joined at the hip so to speak.
It’s impossible to overcome potassium deficiency without first replacing magnesium and low potassium levels can increase urinary magnesium losses. So, I'm actually building upon all the past materials I've created and shared with you about magnesium.
Minerals work as a team. They run the show of your human energy system and they can't be underestimated.
Other episodes/blogs to check out:
- Burnout: Heal Your Body...
In this episode I talk more about thyroid metabolism and how to support with a systemic approach. As well as a focus on nutrients in, toxins out.
Listen to Episode #75: Understanding thyroid physiology and metabolism : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
Hair analysis shows additional and different information about thyroid activity than blood tests do and I feel it's incredibly valuable. Blood thyroid tests do not reveal much about thyroid physiology or metabolism. They usually only measure circulating hormones (T3 and T4) and pituitary stimulation of the thyroid (TSH). HTMA is excellent to help assess thyroid difficulties. It can indicate imbalances in many steps involved in thyroid hormone metabolism.
Imbalances can occur at any stage of the production or utilization of thyroid hormone. The concepts of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are incomplete and often misleading as they only relate to hormone production and release.
If you...
I'm finally getting around to getting all my past podcast episodes posted here on the blog for you. On the heels of my last episode; Let's Wake Up Your Thyroid, I'm digging in further on one of my favorite minerals.
In this episode, I'm sharing a primer on a key macro mineral that is crucial for women in burnout (with hypothyroidism). I share a little bit about how I've seen it trending low over the past 7 years seeing thousands of mineral analysis on clients/students. Why it's important to get enough in your diet daily and how. What it does for your whole systemic function and how it causes problems when it's deficient.
I referred back to episode 54 for more on minerals and thyroid health. As well, podcast episode 38 and 40 where I dug into vitamin D more so you can see if from a different perspective than the mainstream is currently discussing. Also, episodes 18-21 are all about copper and how it's become a big problem and how it deranges the mineral system.
In this episode, recorded earlier this year, I'm talked about the role of minerals in thyroid health and how I think that mineral replacement therapy should be the new way to approach the epidemic of thyroid issues we are collectively facing.
You'll get a high level overview on thyroid function and what minerals help your thyroid produce proper hormone function.
Listen to Episode #54: Let's Wake Your Thyroid Back Up : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
What helps your thyroid make hormones?
I truly believe that mineral replacement should become the new way to address thyroid over thyroid hormone replacement. The allopathic path clearly has shown it's incredible limitations as well as does not get to the roots of the root causes. Taking HRT in most cases is a bandaid approach. It's not a true correction.
It's not just mineral deficiencies we are dealing with either. It's mineral deficiencies and accumulations that...
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