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Practical Solutions for EMF Protection


In this episode, I chat with my friend Brian Hoyer and EMF expert. We cover all the forms of EMFs we are currently exposed to, and how to reduce exposures. Why we want to reduce exposures and how this impacts our health.

Watch through the video player in the blog post above or on YouTube HERE

Years ago when Brian was in my area of Southeast PA, we created a couple of videos. You can check those out HERE ( How to get better sleep and improve your health ), HERE ( Why Microwaves are bad for you ) and HERE (How to eat healthy on the road ). 

Grab a refreshing mineral rich beverage and be ready to take copious notes : this is like a mini course for those who want to start taking immediate action steps. 

Brian goes over what he calls the 3 D's: 

- Downtime (sleep, eat, detox)
- Duration (of exposure)
- Distance (from source of exposure)

He also shared a few resources while we chatted. Two books mentioned were; Boiled Frog Syndrome and EMF'd by Dr. Mercola. As well as a

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The Power of Potassium: A Free Guide

In this episode, I give a shout out to one of my FAVORITE minerals: POTASSIUM. I share a quick overview of why you want to pay attention to how much you are getting to avoid the downsides of it's deficiency.

Listen to Episode #88: The Power of Potassium : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I also created a resource for you: a free guide: THE POWER OF POTASSIUM.
Grab that >>> HERE <<<

I also remind you about the hierarchy of minerals and how magnesium and potassium are joined at the hip so to speak.

It’s impossible to overcome potassium deficiency without first replacing magnesium and low potassium levels can increase urinary magnesium losses. So, I'm actually building upon all the past materials I've created and shared with you about magnesium. 

Minerals work as a team. They run the show of your human energy system and they can't be underestimated. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- Burnout: Heal Your Body...

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Burnout is like being in debt

In this episode, I painted a picture for you of what it's like to be in burnout.  It's very much like being in debt -starting with the missing minerals. We are all born into nutritional debt these days. This is important to acknowledge so we can do something about it, instead of remain in denial. 

Listen to Episode #87: Burnout is like being in debt : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

If you are not in acceptance of the challenges that have led to burnout you might have a really hard time on your healing journey. You may feel in a hurry, you may feel ashamed, you may feel a bit of cognitive dissonance or denial.

It's always important to SEE the big picture so you really know what you're up against and stay committed. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- How Can I Re-Energize My Body
- Remineralize to recover from burnout
- The #1 Mineral Leading to Burnout
- VIDEO: What total burnout looks like on hair tissue mineral analysis 

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Could you be hypoglycemic without knowing it?

Every hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) I review I see some sort of blood sugar imbalance, usually hypoglycemia, and the person doesn't even realize it's occuring. 

Listen to this blog post on the podcast: Find A Joy To Be Me: Episode #92 on Buzzsprout >HERE< also on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify. 

Basically hypoglycemia is an early stage of diabetes but it’s often ignored in the medical world and so it can progress before you even realize it into diabetes.

Remineralizing in the body helps with our ability to improve glucose metabolism at a very deep level this also gives a level of food diversity back to the person so a high protein or restrictive low carb diet is not necessary. 

Restoring glucose and carbohydrate metabolism is really about restoring the bodies energy system. It’s kind of like if the fuel system in the car wasn’t working right you wouldn’t get enough power to run the car. The same is true in the human body.


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How to recognize if you are in survival mode

Right now, you and I are living in a time and crisis we have never had to navigate before in our lives. And with a crisis comes a physiological response. Of course it will vary from person to person, but let's be honest, it's a MASSIVE stress. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even physically.

Sure, we can adjust and adapt and cope. But the threat is there, looming large in a myriad of ways.

With that in mind, I wanted to share more insight into your body, particularly to help you understand one of the glands that is working their little asses off right now.

Since I work with women in burnout and I myself was in extreme burnout and living in survival mode of many years; I feel compelled to help you understand your body more.

In this podcast episode I'm sharing insight into the inner workings of your body; to help you recognize if you might be in survival mode.

One of the most powerful glands in your body in terms of how you cope with stress, how your body regulates...

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