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Nurturing Independence: A Mom's Journey with Four Sons and the Power of Magnesium

I'm the proud mom of four sons, aged 25, 21, 19, and 17. With three of them no longer living under my roof, I've had to master the delicate balance of letting go while still being a steady support system. It's been an interesting dance—letting them make their own decisions, learn from their mistakes, and occasionally throwing out my “mom life preserver” when necessary.


Growing up in a household where functional nutrition was the norm, my boys were immersed in a lifestyle focused on health and well-being. This immersion gave them a solid foundation to build upon, yet each one still has to find their own "why" for maintaining those habits. As we all know, everyone learns differently, and many of us have to take the hard road to really understand life’s lessons.


Recently, one of my older sons has been wrestling with his own "why." He’s finally taking the initiative to implement the healthy habits he once fought me on but undoubtedly benefited...

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Optimizing Wellness: Spleen support for building healthy blood

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] / iTunes [HERE] or find it just about anywhere else

Nourishing Your Spleen for Digestive Wellness and Vitality

Welcome to an eye-opening journey into the realm of the Spleen, an organ often overlooked but with a profound influence on our well-being. In this blog post summary of the podcast episode, I'll explore the often underestimated Spleen and its powerful role in our health, drawing from insights in Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern holistic health practices.

The Spleen and Modern...

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Revive Your Resilience: Discovering Your Inner Authority in the Modern World

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] / iTunes [HERE] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.


Greetings, dear readers & listeners! As we venture into the heart of summer, I hope you're relishing every opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Personally, I've been diving headfirst into my rewilding journey, delighting in the taste of freshly picked blackberries, feeling the mud beneath my feet, and even embracing encounters with the frogs, snakes, and other creatures that share the woods with...

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PODCAST: Calcium supplements, are they harmful?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

People tend to think I’m against calcium, I’m not. 

What I am against  is what stands in direct attack of what I am for. 
Which is misinformation that leads to dysfunction, disorder or discomfort or "dis ease".

A reader on an Instagram post of mine asked ;  

“We always hear from holistic therapists that calcium supplements are considered harmful. So are mineral supplements (because of Ca in them) considered harmful as well?”

Listen to episode # 127: Are calcium supplements harmful? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

First, let me say why I tend to warn about calcium being a problem. We are living in a calcified world. 
Magnesium controls electrical cell-to-cell communication allowing the correct amount of calcium to enter a cell to create cell contraction. 

This may be one of the hardest tasks for magnesium because the level...

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Guest Podcast : Minerals for Libido & Burnout Recovery

My friend Erik Levi invited me back onto his podcast for another chat about minerals. We just let the conversation flow and touch on some pretty common challenges for the average person. I always like to take a big picture view to avoid dogma so we don't get more imbalanced that we already are. I think you will enjoy this video episode, which you can find HERE on YouTube. Or listen to this episode HERE

Topics Discussed

  • Minerals for Libido improvement
  • Can’t run hot all the time (IG Clip)
  • Deep work – Cal Newport
  • Can’t be a wellness influencer w. a baby 
  • Women’s Health
  • Transgenerational Response and Trauma
  • Stress burns magnesium and zinc 
  • Difference between table salt and sodium
  • Burn out destroys the libido 
  • Ceruloplasmin and bio-available copper
  • Why zinc doesn’t work
  • How zinc affects calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium 
  • Metal toxicity
  • Adrenals and Back pain 

A couple of years ago, during the height of the 'pandemic'...

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Guest Podcast: Mineral Rebalancing for Nervous System Regulation


In this episode, I'm chatting with Christa Bevan, host of the Radical Mother Village podcast.   After multiple encounters with burnout, I knew  there had to be more and needed to find a way to start living the vibrant life I knew was possible.  Through nutritional therapy, mineral balancing, emotional freedom and transformation coaching, I began to create a life I loved and my health turned around completely. 

Watch in the video player above. 
Watch on YouTube
Listen to the podcast version on iTunes

In this episode you'll learn:

• The benefit of hair tissue mineral analysis instead of other testing options to get a snapshot of your mineral imbalances
• The moment I knew I was burned out and couldn’t keep going the way she had been
The importance of healthy mineral levels for the functioning of our nervous system and the dangerous consequences if we’re out of balance
• The stabilizing effect minerals can have in our...

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What you need to know when taking magnesium makes you feel worse

Magnesium the miracle mineral could only possible have good intentions and affects, right? While magnesium is an imperative mineral good for human health, sometimes the body is not quite ready to receive it in the way we give it. 

Listen to episode #98: When Magnesium makes you worse (IMPORTANT MESSAGE) : Find on: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I dig into what you need to consider if you've tried magnesium and it made you feel worse instead of better. Trust me, you're gonna love this episode. Buckle up because this episode is fueled by my firey side (and lots of LOVE)!

So many people come to the mineral banquet and just assume they can dive right in to their hearts content (metaphorically speaking), yet often times there is a lot going on in their system that could make it not go down so smoothly. 

I start the episode with a REFRAME we all need to hear whether we are dealing with magnesium backfiring or not. 

I also referenced plenty...

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PODCAST: Cholesterol & Mineral Balancing (the real scoop)

Donations appreciated (PayPal Me)

In this episode I’m going to share how I use mineral analysis to dig deeper into the ‘cholesterol’ story. It goes much deeper than the information and suggested 'solutions' we receive from a regular doctor's visit. I offer an alternative corrective path to medication suppression.

Listen to the full episode #96 : Cholesterol & Mineral Balancing (the real scoop) - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

We really need to know it's possible for the body to heal and to prevent and not feel prey to being victims of genetics or our bodies.

Tune in to get your learn on as well as a new solution you can try if you need deeper support.

*I apologize for the glitchy sounds here and there in this recording -please bear with it as the info is really important!

Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner...

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Why we need high magnesium & low calcium

There is a bit of a hierarchy when it comes to minerals - we have our macro minerals and the main two most of us know are calcium and magnesium. This mineral pair really cannot be separated and requires the OPPOSITE balance we've been taught. We really need a higher magnesium and lower calcium consumption for optimal energy and health.

Listen to episode #86: Why we need high magnesium and low calcium Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I dig into this a bit more and help you understand how to look at these two minerals in light of our modern diet. Make sure you are looking at these two closely in your diet so you can make to avoid the problems of calcification.

Other episodes/blogs to check out 

- What is mineral balancing? 
- Is your pineal gland calcified? 
- How to take a magnesium bath?
- The Magnesium-Calcium relationship and why it matters for muscle health


Ready to increase your...

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PODCAST: Let's wake your thyroid back up!

In this episode, recorded earlier this year, I'm talked about the role of minerals in thyroid health and how I think that mineral replacement therapy should be the new way to approach the epidemic of thyroid issues we are collectively facing. 

You'll get a high level overview on thyroid function and what minerals help your thyroid produce proper hormone function. 

Listen to Episode #54: Let's Wake Your Thyroid Back Up : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

What helps your thyroid make hormones?


I truly believe that mineral replacement should become the new way to address thyroid over thyroid hormone replacement. The allopathic path clearly has shown it's incredible limitations as well as does not get to the roots of the root causes. Taking HRT in most cases is a bandaid approach. It's not a true correction. 

It's not just mineral deficiencies we are dealing with either. It's mineral deficiencies and accumulations that...

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