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PODCAST: Transdermal Magnesium & Endocrine Function

In this episode, I share more about how magnesium is supercritical for endocrine function. Especially how it helps prevent and decrease PMS related symptoms. I even go into how it's helpful for a good transition to menopause. I also share how magnesium helps us make DHEA. 

Listen to Episode #61: Transdermal Magnesium & Endocrine Function : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

So much gold in this episode. Please listen, share with a friend, your sister, mom, aunt, daughter or BFF! 

Also, head over to my blog post; 'How to Take a Magnesium Bath' for direction on how to take action from this episode. I share the how/why/what of magnesium chloride flakes and some of my bath recipes for you to try out as well. 

Oh and by the way, you can order the magnesium chloride flakes I talk about right HERE

Mineral balancing is so key, it helps us to avoid serious health complications when we know how to approach minerals properly....

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PODCAST: Is Your Pineal Gland Calcified? (Why Fluoride Effs Things Up!)

Losing connection to source, feeling disconnected, not knowing how to tap into your own intuition, loss of joy, inability to experience euphoria and depression are all connected to a blocked pineal gland. The pineal gland can easily become calcified by the time we are in our late teens due to numerous things; exposure to poor quality food and drinks, lack of sun, exposure to fluoride. 

Listen to Episode #60: Is Your Pineal Gland Calcified? Why Fluoride Effs Things Up!  Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I explain some of what the pineal gland does, what symptoms one would experience if it were blocked or calcified and some actions steps to take to reverse the damage. One of the action steps would be to at the very least to get started with magnesium, which I wrote more about on my site and shared in past posts. 

Check out; How to get magnesium right from the start , The magnesium-calcium relationship and why...

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PODCAST: What is Mineral Balancing?

Several years ago, when I began creating my practitioner program teaching others about hair tissue mineral analysis, I had to come up with a name for it. We decided on holistic mineral balancing and it stuck. It then seemed to be a term others were using too; mineral balancing. 

In this podcast episode, I expound on what exactly it is in case you ever wondered. 

Listen to Episode #59: What is Mineral Balancing  - Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Holistic Mineral Balancing is essentially a way to help guide a whole system approach to restoring health through understanding the mineral system of the body and using a tissue analysis for guidance on an appropriate whole body approach. 

Mineral balancing is not just about minerals alone, however, it recognizes that minerals run the show so to speak and need to be addressed from the start so whole body function can be recover and optimized. 

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PODCAST: Still 'worried' about C-O-V-I-D, but don't want the 'V'?

In this episode, I'm sharing some prevention as well as some insights from a doctor in the arena actually treating Covid successfully. 

You may also want to refer to last year's blog post on what you can do preventatively to support your health as well, find that HERE

Peter McCullough, the most published doctor in his field in the world in history. 
He refused to let patients languish at home without support or a treatment plan before they ended up in the hospital. 

Listen to Episode #57 : Still worried about Covid but don't want the V?Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Watch the video I referred to in the podcast episode: HERE

Get the patient guide I referred to in the episode HERE.

People actually think the virus is untreatable, but there are plenty of doctors that have proven this is not true and that there is a treatment. Watch the video and download the pamphlet and share with others! 


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PODCAST: How to tune into your own energy so you can live your best life?

In this podcast episode, I brought Cailee Anello back on the podcast just in time for the anniversary of our first episode together last year (Episode #7) . I was also a guest on her podcast; The Ripened Heart podcast; How mineral imbalances impact our personality, emotions and physical health

Cailee is a  human design reader with a background in psychology and homeopathy, she also trained with the Nutritional Therapy Association.

Having spent the last 8 years immersed in natural healing and the divination arts, her expertise lies in being an objective observer and intuitive guide for those who have become disconnected from their bodies and their purpose on the planet. She has a unique ability to make abstract concepts tangible and applicable to everyday life to facilitate the healing of mind, body, and soul.

Listen to Episode #52: How to tune into your own energy, so you can live your best live (with Cailee Aniello) : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio,...

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PODCAST: How can I re-energize my body?

What women in burnout are struggling with is a collection of systemic body breakdown. It’s my job to take all the threads (aka: health concerns/healthy history) and weave them together into a tapestry (aka: plan) that gives you a big overview of your inner workings so you know where to start. 

Let's be honest, it's important you start and keep going because it's not overnight we can fix our total body meltdown. So many women spend years trying to figure out what's wrong with them. They go to countless providers and try countless different approaches that don't quite work. It can be so exhausting and overwhelming. I'm here to help women re-energize their entire system with a really great starting point. 

Listen to Episode #51: How can I re-energize my body? Where do I start? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Information without context is just data and it's not nourishing. 

I asked what questions my reader's had for me...

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PODCAST: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility

In this episode, I shared more about my youngest sons's extreme reactive physical, mental and emotional behaviors. I realize now, he was recovering from trauma that was passed on during my pregnancy and I was also dealing with during his first couple years of life. It showed up in some pretty challenging ways and I was finally able to resolve them all with mineral balancing through HTMA. 

Listen to Episode #50: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Natural non-invasive healing modalities do exist for those with AD/HD behaviors. There is so much we can do holistically for our kids without chemical medications, without the limitations of what Western medicine offers. 

I can see inside a person's current biochemistry with a tissue mineral analysis, that helps me see their physical, mental and emotional issues based on their mineral pattern. This is how I was able to see my son's...

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PODCAST: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA

In this episode, I have a conversation with Margaret Barry, a fellow practitioner who went through my HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart program. She shared why she wanted to get started with hair tissue mineral analysis for herself (and family) as well as add it to her virtual nutritional therapy practice.  I think you will lover her enthusiasm about what she experienced and learned. 

Listen to Episode #48: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

You can also WATCH this conversation via video, on this page HERE. There are several other practitioner testimonials as well. Margaret's is the only video on the page. 

I also shared in a past blog/podcast; How I help practitioners get started with HTMA. You can read or listen to that episode HERE

More and more practitioners are realizing the incredible importance of functional testing in addition to how not knowing how to address minerals is a missing piece...

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PODCAST: Are your kids in burnout too?

In this episode, I shared about kids in burnout so more mommas can be better equipped. Even if you are a mom in burnout with kids in burnout, you can set a good example for your kiddos and help them recover too. I shared my story, some signs of burnout, why it's more common than we care to admit and what you can do about it. 

Listen to Episode #48: Are Your Kids In Burnout Too? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Over the years of working with other moms to help their kiddos I've seen a growing trend of burnout through hair tissue mineral analysis. To me this is no longer 'shocking' news. It's where we are at collectively in light of multiple factors. Understanding the big picture of what we are up against when it comes to our health and well being is so important. 

Once we understand this we can start to take action. Work to remove the roadblocks (poor nutrition, toxins, clean up our water, stress...) and include more of the building...

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PODCAST: Funderful with Cathy Eason

Often times we create more stress when we TRY to do a super clinical protocol after diagnosis of an illness. I truly believe burnout can occur from getting way to caught up in extreme healing protocols. 

In this podcast episode, I have an amazing in depth conversation with Cathy Eason. A colleague and educator who is also recovering from mold illness. We both realized along the way on our journey that FUN and JOY were key to our recovery. 

Listen to Episode #44 Funderful with Cathy Eason : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In case you missed episode 43 and my mold recovery blog post where I began the conversation of my own story about mold  and how it affected my health and well being; check it out HERE. 

You can learn more about Cathy and her work at her website; Open Door Healing
Find her on Facebook and Instagram as well. 

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