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Getting the help we need shouldn’t be so damn hard. However, for many of us it is.
The truth is, society is not set up for our health & well being. We are all more collectively burned out than any of us cares to admit. We don’t want to admit it because we make it mean something bad about ourselves. We feel shame, grief, frustration . . . we feel like we just have to keep showing up saving face OR we can’t show our true mess or needs for fear of judgment or rejection. Perhaps we feel like we are being a burden. Perhaps we feel like people won’t really understand or be able to help us.
Listen to Episode #109: Asking for help: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
The truth is, I myself have needed help for far longer than I’ve been willing to admit. As a single mom of four boys, what I really needed all this time was a community that would help me raise my sons....
In this episode, I chat with my friend Brian Hoyer and EMF expert. We cover all the forms of EMFs we are currently exposed to, and how to reduce exposures. Why we want to reduce exposures and how this impacts our health.
Watch through the video player in the blog post above or on YouTube HERE.
Years ago when Brian was in my area of Southeast PA, we created a couple of videos. You can check those out HERE ( How to get better sleep and improve your health ), HERE ( Why Microwaves are bad for you ) and HERE (How to eat healthy on the road ).
Grab a refreshing mineral rich beverage and be ready to take copious notes : this is like a mini course for those who want to start taking immediate action steps.
Brian goes over what he calls the 3 D's:
- Downtime (sleep, eat, detox)
- Duration (of exposure)
- Distance (from source of exposure)
He also shared a few resources while we chatted. Two books mentioned were; Boiled Frog Syndrome and EMF'd by Dr. Mercola. As well as a...
I am Celebrating 2 years of podcasting on this heart opening day of honoring LOVE.
If you haven’t listened to my first episode -go back and do so, it’s just under 20 minutes: Get your spark back!
I introduced my story and why I started this podcast for you! I share how I got my spark back after many years of deep burnout and why I’m SO passionate about pleasure!
That shared, in episode 104, I talk about an important piece in helping us all get our vitality -therefore spark, back or ignited.
Listen to Episode #104: Celebrating 2 Years ! + Digging Into Glutathione: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
Whenever I see patterns emerging in my conversations and my client work or research, I take note. One topic that has been coming up recently is; supporting the body to increase energy and detox better. A big piece is through glutathione production in the body so everything functions better.
We all need help detoxing today but how...
It’s that time of year… the time where here in the north we can convert sun into vitamin D through our skin in our bodies.
And I figured, it’s as good a time as any to review some things around ‘vitamin’ D.
In the past 7 years since I’ve been doing this work and educating on the hazards of supplementing vitamin D, not much has changed in the mainstream (in fact nothing has).
Perhaps a small ‘fringe’ growing minority asking better questions and trying to get to the root causes instead of slamming a high dose of supplemental D and calling it ‘good’.
One such root is LIMITED testing and LIMITED answers to perceived low levels.
The real answer is not pat. The real answer to your unique vitamin D production and physiological needs lies in asking WAY more questions. And cleaning up your whole lifestyle, environment and remineralizing your body so you can also detox more effectively.
Did you know that vitamin D can increase heavy...
Let's bring in the New Year with some good health vibes, shall we?
Listen to Episode # 97 : What do you want for your health & life in 2022? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
In this episode, I'm asking a VERY important question of which is the foundation for you to set yourself up to create & build health and happiness! Let's dive in!
De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want in life!
I talk more about going back to the basics, the fundamentals -get to the roots so you can make a radical shift for your health this year. You can't build upon a faulty foundation - and we all have room to grow in shoring up the fundamentals -the pillars of our health.
So let's get back to the basics and go DEEPER with them. I share what I think are the 7 pillars of health. You can get started with the next step for YOU for each of those pillars instead of getting swept away by the 'trends' of 2022 or...
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In this episode I’m going to share how I use mineral analysis to dig deeper into the ‘cholesterol’ story. It goes much deeper than the information and suggested 'solutions' we receive from a regular doctor's visit. I offer an alternative corrective path to medication suppression.
Listen to the full episode #96 : Cholesterol & Mineral Balancing (the real scoop) - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
We really need to know it's possible for the body to heal and to prevent and not feel prey to being victims of genetics or our bodies.
Tune in to get your learn on as well as a new solution you can try if you need deeper support.
*I apologize for the glitchy sounds here and there in this recording -please bear with it as the info is really important!
Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner...
In this episode, I revisted a post from March of 2020 sharing my prevention plan in light of the 'Rona'. I talk about how to start creating a preventative lifestyle and why it's important to do so instead of 'waiting around' in fear of whatever is lurking out there.
Listen to Episode #74: Prevention is the best medicine : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
As we head into the fall, it's important to stay positive and focused on nourishing our whole selves. And for more than 'just in case we might get sick'.
You can read the full blog post HERE and get the specific details as well as all the links I shared for your reference.
I also referred to a few other blog posts and podcasts I've written since then as well - you can check those out below:
- How to Protect Your Health with Vitamin A
- What you need to know before you supplement with zinc
- My Electrolyte Recipe
- How to use vitamin C to protect your health
I first learned about Health Freedom for Humanity back in April, when I had Tommy John on the podcast. It was shortly after I had shared a resource for those who were worried about Covid but did not want the vaccine.
Listen to Episode #73: Health Freedom : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
To me, health freedom means CHOICE. It means honoring nature. It means not being coerced into a one size fits all model. It means honoring our intuition and trusting our bodies healing potential. It does not mean we cower and choose what we are being 'forced to accept'.
It means we know that we have a choice and will not be bullied to comply to a path that we know intuitively and firmly is not right for us.
Here is what the Health Freedom for Humanity Organization stands for:
Health Freedom for Humanity (HFFH) is a community of advocates, parents, teachers, actors, veterans, doctors, lawyers, and friends, who stand to ensure...
It's no secret I've got a big beef with how we over recommend vitamin D supplements.
To be fair, I don't like hyping up any single nutrient as a god unto itself.
It's not how nature intended for us to receive our nutrition and it loses it's full spectrum benefits and turns into a hazard in the human system.
I shared a funny reel to show just how cult-y this whole excess vitamin D thing has gotten -watch it HERE.
You can also go back and read my past posts on the blog about what treating this one nutrient as a god unto itself can do when taken in excess by itself for too long.
Read; 'What you need to know to assess 'Vitamin D' more thoroughly' and 'How excessive vitamin D supplements can suppress thyroid function'.
I went on to share in an Instagram TV video, a few more big picture ways to view this whole excess D taking conundrum. I promise you don't have to be REACTIVE about vitamin D in light of all the excessive talk about it this past year.
You can...
In this episode, I shared some insights after being on a quick getaway to Ithaca New York and staying in an AirBnb that used laundry detergent with heavy perfumes.
I referenced two of my past podcast episodes on mold, you can find those links below.
Listen to Episode #69: Navigating life with chemical sensitivities and mold : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
One of the things I know about myself is that if I go and stay anywhere for any length of time, I don't want to be trapped with chemicals. Like a long car ride with someone who uses a lot of laundry detergent, or sleeping a bed with all those chemicals either.
To me, it's obvious to avoid personal care and home care products that have toxins in them. To the rest of the world it's not. So, instead of demanding change from the world, I know I must be prepared to adapt to it so I don't react symptomatically.
In case you have not yet made the switch in your personal...
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