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PODCAST: NSAIDs deplete glutathione (+what's up with NAC?)

In this episode, I'm dishing out some important deeper health connections in light of the epidemic of NSAID use in this country. Folks, we have an inflammation problem but not a figuring out why solution (for the most part).

Listen to Episode #66: NSAIDs deplete glutathione (+what's up with NAC) : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The problem is it sets us up for deeper trouble. Ibuprofen depletes glutathione - glutathione is present in every cell in the body, it is a key regulator of the immune system. It's especially important for liver function and for detoxification.

Low glutathione levels are associated with over 74 DIS - EASES. It's been widely studied and we've found that almost 80% of people with chronic ailments were found to be deficiency in glutathione.

I also shared about how NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) is a precursor to glutathione and it's recently been pulled out of circulation for purchase. 

Hopefully you will have a big...

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PODCAST: Mineral Balancing for Blood Pressure

In this episode, I chat about the many moving parts behind high blood pressure and how medication will never correct the underlying imbalance. The problem with a medication only approach is because the imbalances affect more than just one function. 

Listen to Episode #65: Mineral Balancing for Blood Pressure: Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Minerals are KEY in regulating blood pressure. Today we have so many mineral deficiencies or excesses that impact our physiology and they need to be looked at together. This is how we avoid ISOLATIONISTIC thinking that leads to adding bandaids on top of bandaids and never ever correcting function. 

I share trends/patterns and imbalances I see in my practice working with HTMA that correlate with blood pressure. Unfortunately, high blood pressure is not assessed thoroughly in the allopathic world. 

I like to solve the biochemistry problem versus thinking we are 'solving' the problem with a...

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PODCAST: Health Insurance does not ensure true health

In this episode, I share why I don't believe our 'health care' system inspires true health and why I don't take health insurance and how that's a VERY GOOD THING. 

You see, we've got a lot to think deeply about when it comes to the current system in our country; is it truly in favor of humans thriving or has it perpetuated a lack of trust in our own sovereignty and ability to heal ourselves. 

Ultimately, I think we need to question this heavily right now if we want to truly gain health or recover our health AND KEEP IT. Is health insurance, ensuring true health? Or are we losing sight of our own responsibility in creating optimal health and well being. 

Listen to Episode #64: Health Insurance does not ensure true health : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I share some of my own stories of how incredibly frustrating it was trying to find healthy doctors who actually listened to me and gave me any other treatment options other than...

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PODCAST: What it means to be truly sovereign or free within our bodies with Tommy John

In this episode I chat with Tommy John, a performance coach and perpetual student and a leading, unapologetic voice across the globe in the medical freedom movement of today. A former professional athlete and who recently BURNED ALL HIS DEGREES IN LIVE VIDEO ON INSTAGRAM. 

After I saw that video, I just knew I needed to connect with him further. 

Listen to Episode #62: What it means to be truly sovereign and free with Tommy John : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

He owns and operates the Tommy John Performance and Healing Center in San Diego and with over 20 years of clinical experience, he's impacted countless lives with his proven "Way to Live Utilizing the 8 Essentials to Performance and Healing," a system for harnessing action steps to adapt and thrive in this lifetime.

At the core of this work, his patients relearn what it is to be truly sovereign and free within their bodies. For given these liberties, the body self heals,...

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PODCAST: Still 'worried' about C-O-V-I-D, but don't want the 'V'?

In this episode, I'm sharing some prevention as well as some insights from a doctor in the arena actually treating Covid successfully. 

You may also want to refer to last year's blog post on what you can do preventatively to support your health as well, find that HERE

Peter McCullough, the most published doctor in his field in the world in history. 
He refused to let patients languish at home without support or a treatment plan before they ended up in the hospital. 

Listen to Episode #57 : Still worried about Covid but don't want the V?Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Watch the video I referred to in the podcast episode: HERE

Get the patient guide I referred to in the episode HERE.

People actually think the virus is untreatable, but there are plenty of doctors that have proven this is not true and that there is a treatment. Watch the video and download the pamphlet and share with others! 


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PODCAST: Are your kids in burnout too?

In this episode, I shared about kids in burnout so more mommas can be better equipped. Even if you are a mom in burnout with kids in burnout, you can set a good example for your kiddos and help them recover too. I shared my story, some signs of burnout, why it's more common than we care to admit and what you can do about it. 

Listen to Episode #48: Are Your Kids In Burnout Too? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Over the years of working with other moms to help their kiddos I've seen a growing trend of burnout through hair tissue mineral analysis. To me this is no longer 'shocking' news. It's where we are at collectively in light of multiple factors. Understanding the big picture of what we are up against when it comes to our health and well being is so important. 

Once we understand this we can start to take action. Work to remove the roadblocks (poor nutrition, toxins, clean up our water, stress...) and include more of the building...

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How to take a magnesium bath

It's no secret, I'm a big fan of minerals. One of the ways I teach my clients how to remineralize is through topical application. There are a number of ways and reasons to do this. 

Magnesium is the first one I recommend anyone get started with. In a recent post, I explained to you how magnesium helps to relax muscles. But it does so much more than that. 

Why Use Magnesium Transdermally?

The vast majority (if not everyone) of people today have a magnesium deficiency. Our soil has been depleted for so long, our food is too and most people do not get enough in the diet as it stands. It's also not in our water these days. Not to mention, many things easily deplete our tissue magnesium stores.

Taking oral magnesium supplements is often not enough to restore tissue levels of magnesium since we do not actually assimilate all that is ingested. So we must apply it topically to help rebuild (aka: transdermally). 

Why Magnesium Chloride Flakes Are Better Than Epsom Salts to...

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PODCAST: Funderful with Cathy Eason

Often times we create more stress when we TRY to do a super clinical protocol after diagnosis of an illness. I truly believe burnout can occur from getting way to caught up in extreme healing protocols. 

In this podcast episode, I have an amazing in depth conversation with Cathy Eason. A colleague and educator who is also recovering from mold illness. We both realized along the way on our journey that FUN and JOY were key to our recovery. 

Listen to Episode #44 Funderful with Cathy Eason : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In case you missed episode 43 and my mold recovery blog post where I began the conversation of my own story about mold  and how it affected my health and well being; check it out HERE. 

You can learn more about Cathy and her work at her website; Open Door Healing
Find her on Facebook and Instagram as well. 

If you like this episode we would love to hear from you - leave review or...

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Health & Wellness Wishes for the New Year

Tomorrow is a brand new year.

A brand new year many of us are hoping brings radical change in light of the year we’ve just had.  It feels like a good moment to truly think about your health and well being. If 2020 highlighted anything, it's both. 

Symbolically, the New Year is about a fresh start. A clean slate. A blank canvas. A second chance.

I think we all want second chances with something in our lives. As we look back over this past year, there are probably so many things we might wish we could have done differently. Things we were unprepared for, that now with hindsight we wished we had taken more seriously. Things we got totally wrong and could not fix.

Maybe a big health scare, a financial crisis, a loss or heartbreak. Perhaps some are grappling with what is their purpose in life.

And to make it all worse, we may even be feeling guilt or shame about the way things went down in our lives this past year. 

We may see our part and wish we could have done it...

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Thoughts on finding the 'root cause' of burnout

There is not just ONE root cause
When it comes to burnout

If burnout had just one root
It wouldn’t be so powerful in taking you down in the first place
It would be easy to find and focus on and uproot


Burnout has multiple roots
Some SO deep and thick and strong
With others all tangled up in the mix

When someone says you need to find "THE" root cause
You may feel misled
I mean, sometimes “A” root of the cause is responsible for multiple offshoots

Rooting out 'the cause' is even more exhausting
Because there’s never just one

And no, there's no bandaids, quick fixes or overnight cures either
Once you come to terms with this, you'll relax more into a new way of life

A way of life that is FOR you
No longer in denial of your truest deepest needs

So to my burned out friends

Stay steady

Focus on the terrain of your life
Inner first, outer second

The environment you live in is everything
Let it be filled with light, energy, joy, nourishment

Increase your healthy...

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