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Talking Microbes: The impacts of low butyrate function

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As you know I believe minerals run the show of the human body, even the microbes in your gut rely on mineral balance. Minerals & Microbes are foundational elements every one of us needs to thrive. In this episode I want to hone in on one aspect of gut health that I see as a key anyone can focus on improving to also benefit their whole health. 

Listen to episode #118 : Talking Microbes -The Impacts of low butyrate function - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

When the gut microbiome is running low in its keystone species this impacts systemic functionality as well. 

For example; one function I see low on all of my clients BiomeFX stool sample results is low butyrate function. It’s one of many BUT here’s why even this one function alone in the low range can impact many things. 

What is butyrate? 

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that provides fuel for the...

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PODCAST: The demonization of dairy, is so very unnecessary

In this episode, I shared a quick eagle's eye view on dairy and how we got to a time in history where we demonize it. I truly believe dairy is a power food. And, if you can tolerate it currently you should not remove it just because some 'expert' said it's bad for x,y,z reasons or health 'conditions'. 

Listen to Episode #82: The Demonization of dairy, is so very unnecessary  Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

A health 'condition' does not have to be a state of permanence or something we own anyway. I share 3 keys to consider when it comes to dairy: 1. the quality of the dairy, 2. your heredity/ancestry, 3. your current state of health. 

Why remove an entire food group if you don't have to. Elimination doesn't heal you, nutrition does. Renourishing the body and restoring function takes time, therefore patience. 

Two of my favorite resources to start getting education about quality dairy, as well as the benefits of...

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PODCAST: The dark side of antibiotics

In this episode, I talk about how antibiotics have never been tested safe for the human microbiome. They are also one of the most toxic classes of drugs and doctors hand them out like candy. 

It's time to be HONEST about this excess overuse of antibiotics, so we can make educated decisions and create a better path to support our health. 

Listen to Episode #72: The Dark Side of Antibiotics : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I'm very passionate about this after seeing hundreds of clients health harmed in the long run in part by excess use of antibiotics over the course of their lives. 

We can do better. In fact, we must. 

Antibiotics are a class of medications that can save lives (when used appropriately).  However, antibiotics are extremely overprescribed and most are quite toxic. 

They should be used as a last resort, not the first.  Very often, simple, inexpensive natural methods of healing infections work...

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