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Rewilding: Embracing the Sexy Foundations of Health

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] or iTunes [ HERE ]  or find it just about anywhere else you tune in. 

In a world filled with health trends and quick fixes, it's time to go back to the basics and make the foundations of health sexy again. Our modern society has disconnected us from nature and our innate biology, leading to a decline in overall well-being. It's time to rebel against this societal norm and rediscover the power of nature-connected living. This blog post explores the concept of rewilding and its...

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PODCAST: It's all about assimilation

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In this episode talk about how you are what you digest and absorb nutrient wise - aka ASSIMILATION because that term is coming up for me holistically speaking on the heels of the sound healing retreat I’ve felt there was a lot to digest, absorb and assimilate. So let’s dig into it because it’s important and comes up in every client I work with -in fact today I just reviewed a BiomeFX with one of my favorite doctors and we talked about digestive inefficiency and how it’s a top priority in any case regardless of the differences in results.

Listen to Episode # 135 : It's all about assimilation : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

There are several symptoms that lead us to suspect that poor absorption or maldigestion is taking place before the first test is ever even done. These may include bloating, burping, upset stomach, diarrhea, gas, a desire to eat when...

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PODCAST: Healing through sound

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

On the heels of a beautiful sound healing retreat weekend and I wanted to share about the experience with you. I’ve used sound in many ways to support my own healing journey and now I recommend it to my clients as well - particularly those who are the most stressed out and have clear nervous system dysregulation causing more intense symptoms (such as anxiety).

Listen to Episode # 134 : Healing through sound (retreat recap) : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode I share a quick explanation of how sound has been used as medicine for healing throughout history and then talk about the different modalities I experienced at a retreat I attended this past week.

*I forgot to mention my friend Marty's beautiful native flute playing that started the whole thing off (sorry Marty). 


Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two...

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PODCAST: What is body voltage? And why does it matter?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Listen to Episode # 133 : What is body voltage? And why does it matter? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I get into BODY VOLTAGE -what the heck that even is and why it matters. 

Healing is voltage my friends - grateful to my friend for sharing Jerry Tenant’s work with me years ago it’s been something I’ve been working on with vigilance to implement in my own life as well as to understand and even start to get others excited about too.

Without electrons, without current, without voltage we are dead so the more charged up the fuller of life we are. 

Also, you may enjoy checking out my past episode with my friend Michale from 2020 [ Open up to your amazing beautiful life ], as mentioned in this episode. 



Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA...

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PODCAST: Are your cells made of plastic?

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Where did we go wrong with the fats we are primarily consuming in our modern world instead of the nutrient dense fats traditional people groups consumed?

Listen to Episode # 131 : Are your cells made of plastic? : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode I share about I wanted to expound a bit on an aspect of what I shared in my last episode; 130 about my regenerative farm tour and fat soluble vitamins. As well as cover a bit more about why your cells are affected by bad fats. I shared about fat soluble vitamins in the nutrient dense foods I buy from my farmer - foods containin healthy fats. Today I want to provoke you to move towards that with greater fervor by exploring what the bad fats, rancid oils and trans fats have been doing to our health both collectively and individually.

First, did you know that without an adequate amount of GOOD fat, your cell membranes...

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PODCAST: Expand your joy (with minerals)

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Expand your joy so deep. That it doesn’t matter what others do or don’t do.
You still have an overflow. You still have waters of bliss to bathe in at any given moment.

In this episode, I remind us all of the core message of this podcast: A JOY TO BE YOURSELF.

Listen to episode #122 : Expand your joy (with minerals) - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I share an adventure I had and some past podcasts on joy as well as how to ENJOY your life and be yourself more fully with a key mineral pair in balance (and what it means).

If you haven't yet checked out this past posts, check them out too:

- How to Create a life full of ultimate pleasure
- Lack of Joy? How to revive your passion 

Like I always say; minerals run the show!


Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart...

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Get more in flow with castor oil packs

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Considering that many woman come to me with issues relating to their cycle or digestion (bloating-feeling sluggish and even moody) I tend to have a few go-to’s that I rely on.

By using castor oil packs, the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This helps to speed the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and to reduce the size of swollen lymph nodes
If you feel any kind of internal stagnation : it’s time to support your lymph. So often we want to go straight DETOX but we skip the lymph -we live in a sitting society that no longer moves in the ways we once would if we were more connected to nature

Listen to episode #120 : Get more in flow with castor oil packs - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I share why castor oil and how to do the packs: who can benefit from them and so much more! Be prepared to learn and then take action! 


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PODCAST: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood (+a heartfelt client story)

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

In this episode I'm chatting about a few things you won't wanna miss. I share a mama bear cry and call to rise up and create health ( the future form of currency we all need to prioritize). 

You cannot give beyond what you yourself have to give : boundaries are essential and the not so sexy self care is non-negotiable. 

Listen to episode #120: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood { +a heartfelt client story } - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I also share, yet again, on magnesium with a call to action and a past episode you gotta check out. And a client wrote in her heartfelt gratitude and in this episode I'm sharing her story as well. 

Despite the fact that magnesium is almost as important for life as the air we breathe I still meet people daily who have no clue of it’s benefits and not only that they are living a magnesium burning way of life (sympathetic...

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Guest Podcast: True health and healing

One of my biggest missions this past year has been to find a local like-minded community. I believe that community is a key pillar for our collective health. In these times we have lost the ways of the tribe that our ancestors long ago would have benefitted greatly from. 

In January of this year, I attended an Activation Watch Party to host the Greater Reset Virtual event held by the Freedom Cell movement. It was in Pottstown Pennsylvania and several of my local health and freedom collaborative friends attended as well. 

I met some amazing folks at that event, Jeff being one of them. Jeff and I hit it off right away with some potent convos. We found out each other hosted podcasts and I began to listen to his - the Go-Auf podcast. I was quite impressed. 

Recently we attended a weekend retreat with many others in this growing movement in this corner of our state. It was a powerful weekend and amazing experience. So Jeff and I chatted about that on this episode we recorded...

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