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Powering Up From Source

nature podcast remineralize May 16, 2022

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In this episode, I share a little recap  of my weekend foraging and full moon gathering adventures. We walked a labyrinth which is for brain balancing and had a mini tuning session before we entered. I also learned why you don't want to sleep with your head facing north.

Listen to Episode #124 : Powering up from source - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Just a year ago I was not connected to a supportive tribe - I think many of us can relate to how these past couple years have shaken up our lives in many ways : finding our true tribe one of such ways. I’m so grateful because I set an intention after my podcast with Tommy John to find my soul tribe and here I am a year later enjoying the reality of that intention.

Now that the weather is glorious here in the northeast we can really power up from nature - and I want to talk briefly about how we work within nature first then...

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