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PODCAST: Copperā€™s Impact on your Adrenals & Thyroid

In this episode, I pick up with my conversation educating you about the downstream effects copper has on your mineral system and your body. I highly recommend going back and listening to episodes 18 (HERE) and 19 (HERE) first. 

In order to help exhausted women get their spark back I want to share how the body melts down so you can stop piece-mealing your health and dig into supporting your entire system and self (mind/body/emotions).


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

High level overview of what burnout actually feels like
How excessive tissue copper leads to a depression of both adrenal and thyroid activity
Why I do not recommend 'piecemealing' your health
The slowing of the thyroid's effectiveness at the cell level which decreases your metabolism. Long term stress rising leads to an emotional stress response getting triggered

I talk about this conundrum of how excess copper...

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PODCAST: The Downstream Health Effects of Copper

In this episode, I'm expounding on episode 18 where I talked about the #1 mineral imbalance that leads to burnout, which is copper. I share more about how exposure to excess copper in forms not useful to the body lead to mineral burnout. Then I share what the effects in the body are from that. 

If you are struggling with 'burnout' also know as 'adrenal fatigue' or even have chronic fatigue or hypothyroidism or maybe you don't even know those are an issue for sure but you just feel drained, unmotivated and like you lost your spark : this episode is for you. Especially if you want to take ownership of your well being and learn more about how your body works and how your body has declined so you can start to do something about it.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

Personal responsibility for your own well being
How this excess of the wrong form of copper depletes key minerals

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PODCAST: #1 Mineral Imbalance Leading to Burnout

In this episode, I shared how 1 key mineral in excess for the past 50 years has become a prevalent issue leading to burnout.

After recovering from my own burnout and helping well over 1000 women and practitioners - I have seen copper excess and imbalance be a leading cause. I shared how this has become the case, even though most other health circles are not talking about it. I also share how this imbalance affects your health so you can become aware of it.

Burnout is not who you are or how you should feel and exist. You are meant to be a master full of vitality living in your true genius. Getting your minerals balanced will be a big key to facilitating you being able to fully be YOU.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

copper has increased in it's use therefore increased in our bodies
how this excess of the wrong form of copper for human use has wreaked havoc on the body
how copper in...

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How to get magnesium right from the start

*Listen to the podcast episode of this post right HERE.

Magnesium. I could say it's my favorite mineral. It's the mineral that brought me back to life as well as to this amazing work I get to do. It's truly magical to me.

It's power is profound and deep. It's not just something to dabble with. If you want the fullest effect of this magical mineral, you have to dive deep.

If you don’t get magnesium right you get a lot of other things wrong, so let’s get it right from the start.

I spent years not getting it right dabbling, trying to intellectualize and then also feel my way through implementing it.

The first step for me was; I was DESPERATE for relief to change my life and health. My anxiety, insomnia and muscle tension was out of this world. As a single mom with four young kids I needed massive relief from all of those things and fast!

The second step was; voraciously consuming every morsel of information on magnesium as I possibly could. Imagine me as ravenous and...

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PODCAST: Mineral balancing for brain optimization

Recently I was invited to speak on a colleague's podcast; Holistic Nootropics. Erik Levi a fellow FNTP who also took my practitioner program; Holistic Mineral Balancing (now The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart).

In the episode; Mineral balancing for brain optimization, Erik and I discuss; minerals and how they affect the body, minerals that are good for the mind, the most important minerals to get every day, electrolytes and why its important to understand how minerals interact with each other.

In this episode, I got my nerd hat on and dished out a really big slice of mineral pie for you.

Take a listen, I'm sure you'll get some big light bulb moments from it and probably be reminded to take some actions for your health.

Holistic Nootropics Podcast Episode 4: Mineral Balancing for Brain Optimization

You'll get a huge overview and understanding into why I love mineral balancing so much.

One listener already wrote in with how much she loved the podcast episode.

"I listened twice, I never do...

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Sustainable health: a dynamic way to BE!

Your life force energy and vigor is what gives you a dynamic life. This force in essence is YOU!

You are a whole person - your whole system works together there is no dividing yourself up and treating different parts if you want to enjoy true health and be fully YOU!

Your system includes your bodies electricity, your mineral system balance, your voltage, dynamism, if you’re happy in your soul and how you carry your body in this world.

Minerals are a huge part of your voltage system and how you increase your voltage -then the power comes on and everything begins to work. Your body, mind, emotions - all of what makes you YOU. No more trying to find yourself or your purpose or go down 8000 different rabbit holes trying to slap a bunch of health hacks on for size that never stick.

When you get your SPARK back, you get YOU back as long as you keep that spark ignited and sustained. This is how you tune into YOUR power.

You see, being truly healthy is not just the absence of...

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Praise & Testimonial: She was shocked and thrilled


Over the years I've worked with a lot of women to help unravel their health concerns, but I've also supported over 200 holistic health practitioners in teaching them how to get started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in their holistic health practices. 

Today I want to share an example with you of a woman who I worked with on both fronts; her personal health as a client and a student inside my Holistic Mineral Balancing program (no longer available: now it's called 'The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart').

Below is just a summary of our conversation, to hear the whole conversation and not miss a single beat, click the video player above to watch/listen. The video is only about 25 minutes long.

Meet My Client (& Student), Jennifer

Jennifer and I connected at a I met over dinner during a weekend workshop for the Nutritional Therapy Association program. She had never heard of hair tissue mineral analysis before and was really intrigued. She looked into and realized she...

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How my health crash actually saved my life

Note: You can listen to this blog post over on my podcast HERE

Ever since I was in high school I had a longing to do work that mattered to me. Something related to health & wellness, but not a conventional path.

I started exploring and experimenting when I was 19. Supplements, herbs, whole foods, probiotics, minerals, became a vegetarian for a couple years, studied reflexology on my own thinking I might take a training, learned how to do a liver flush, dabbled on and off with gardening.

The event that finally pushed me into my purpose, was my traumatic split from my ex and my health crashing hard from it. It took me a full year to get my health out of the toilet and even then I was barely surviving, taking care of 4 young kids on my own.

After selling our joint home and securing my own place with the boys, I took it upon myself to pursue my dream of becoming a holistic health practitioner.

That year as I was picking myself up and putting myself back together, I did GOBS of...

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How to recognize if you are in survival mode

Right now, you and I are living in a time and crisis we have never had to navigate before in our lives. And with a crisis comes a physiological response. Of course it will vary from person to person, but let's be honest, it's a MASSIVE stress. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even physically.

Sure, we can adjust and adapt and cope. But the threat is there, looming large in a myriad of ways.

With that in mind, I wanted to share more insight into your body, particularly to help you understand one of the glands that is working their little asses off right now.

Since I work with women in burnout and I myself was in extreme burnout and living in survival mode of many years; I feel compelled to help you understand your body more.

In this podcast episode I'm sharing insight into the inner workings of your body; to help you recognize if you might be in survival mode.

One of the most powerful glands in your body in terms of how you cope with stress, how your body regulates...

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How I got started with HTMA in my practice

I can still remember when I was pretty green as a nutritional therapy practitioner. No mentor. No biz coach. No functional testing under my belt.

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #45 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I often felt like I needed more support and more insight. The truth is, I was already knowledgeable enough to help people and had a lot to offer the world.  However, I felt I lacked experience and wasn’t clear on what was possible for me as a practitioner.

I had a DEEP desire to learn more and my top desire was to get my own hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done after reading some amazing things about this test. Not to mention, my intuition told me minerals were going to be a key player in my own healing as well as for others.

The problem was,  I had an avoidant relationship with giving myself what I needed.
I procrastinated, pushed it away and always said to myself "someday I will get to...

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