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How To Have Glowing Youthful Skin In Your Forties

beauty freedom and flow Aug 23, 2018

I'll be 44 next week and as a woman in my 40's, I'm starting to really pay more attention to my skin. You see, it's common as a woman in your 40's to start to have tiny lines appear around your eyes, forehead, and crow's-feet start to set in. Even brown spots or broken capillaries may start to show up and your pores could look larger.

That said, you can do a lot to care for your skin and keep that youthful glow every woman truly wants. I am sharing my secrets with you today. Ready?

Diet Tips for Glowing Youthful Skin

First and foremost, healthy skin starts from the inside out. What you put in your body will show up through your skin.

It's important to stay hydrated to keep your skin glowing and rid your body of toxins. Just increasing your water consumption and staying consistent can give your skin that look of radiance.

Consuming a clean real food diet with plenty of fresh veggies and fruits, preferrably organic, will also be key.

Fresh greens like arugula, kale and collards...

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How To Get Sparked Back To Life with the Magic of Minerals

It was the fall of 2014, just over 5 years after I had officially become a single mom. I had been trying to get my business off the ground and running, while dealing with the aftermath of a messy divorce and PTSD. I was beyond burned out.

In spite of all my best efforts to clean up my health, I was still struggling with exhaustion. I found myself crashing down after every single stressful event in my life. I was barely surviving. While I had come a long way in my health during those 5 years, it was hard to fully recover and stay steady; in my energy, mood, emotions.

I was so depleted that the stress would pile up and impact my physical health in extreme ways. Like the time, I bent over to pick up a sock in my bedroom and threw my back out and it took 4 other adults to step in for almost a week to help me manage my kids and household. Then there was the time, I had a mini panic attack while taking a bath that induced an asthma attack and I had to call an ambulance.

I was beyond...

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Want beautiful healthy lashes? My favorite CLEAN mascara

beauty Aug 08, 2018

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only woman alive who enjoys beautiful, healthy eyelashes. For many years of my life, mascara was the only make-up I wore (probably the baby/toddler years).

When I radically transformed my entire health and life, cleaning up my make-up became really important to me too. I found out that make-up contained a lot of unregulated toxic ingredients, ugh. I went on a search for a new mascara at the time and it was really hard to find any.

Thankfully, that's not the case anymore. I now use Beauty Counter's volumizing mascara after trying several other non-toxic mascaras and it's by far my favorite. It lasts long and doesn't clump and makes my lashes look so much fuller!

You see every day our bodies are exposed to chemicals. Through the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, we are exposed to harmful substances. We are also exposed to these via the personal care products we use.

What you put on your face should not be a disgrace to your health. Am...

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How to Use a Mind-Body Journal to Be an Expert of YOU!

I love getting to know myself and tuning into my inner wisdom. It's something I've craved my whole life that led me on a wild goose chase to trying so many things.  Such as, the next "it diet", to gain control of myself and life.

Having spent many years using diets and food plans to try and control myself, I'm here to tell you there is a better way to enjoy vibrant health.

If you are on a healing journey,  you will know that what you eat and the amount of food has a direct impact on your physical health. But did you know that those same choices also influence mood, mental alertness, memory, and emotional well being? Food can act as medicine, or it can be a poison to the body and mind.

But so can your approach to your diet. Your diet can liberate you or imprison you. You get decide which it will be. I choose freedom my loves. And in this post I want to share how I use boundaries to help me tap into my intuitive self when it comes to eating by using a mind-body food journal....

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How to Practice Safe Sun Exposure for Healthy Skin

In light of my recent post, "How to love your body with safer skincare"; I wanted to share more about safer SUMMER skincare practices and products you can choose for your best health. I don't know about you but I enjoy being outdoors during the summer, and try to maximize that time as much as possible.

Since I'm in the sun more, I pay more attention to my direct exposure by covering up as much as possible and using protection, such as safe mineral based sunscreen.

Crazily, sunscreen is one of the most controversial topics in the health and wellness world. As well as how to stay safe in the sun. I'm here to shed some 'light' on the topic for ya (ha, see what I did there).

On one hand, sun exposure is healthy. We can benefit from the sun's rays, it's how we actually make vitamin D in our body. BUT avoiding overexposure is key. We do need sun exposure.

There are UVA and UVB rays. The UVB rays are the good guys. Those are the ones that stimulate the vitamin D production in our skin....

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How To Love Your Body with Safer Skincare

beauty freedom & flow Jul 14, 2018

My journey to a more holistic lifestyle to recover my health did not stop with figuring out what to eat, improving my sleep and getting rid of MASSIVE stress. It included a search to make my personal care routine safer for not only my health but also my kids.

You see, I suffered with a bunch of skin related issues. Dry itchy skin every fall/winter, puffy eyes and eye bags, dry lips, red bumps on my thighs and sometimes my arms, eczema on my hands after my first son was born and dry hair with split ends.

After radically revamping my diet many of these things began to improve but I was afraid to put any products on my body for fear of some kind of reaction. At the time, it was so hard to find safer skin care. I went the DIY route for a bit and that proved to worked in the short term but was not a long term solution for every product I wanted to use. I stopped using so many products out of fear of all the toxins I'd be putting on my body.

I decided to love myself, my body by finding...

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How to Make Meditation Be Your Super Power

freedom & flow Jul 12, 2018

Meditation is a powerful practice anyone can do to help better cope with everyday stress. Practicing meditation helps me to stay centered even when my world is in upheaval. As a single mom, I could argue that life is stressful and hard and allow that to overwhelm me. OR I can create the time and space to be better able to deal with whatever comes my way.

Meditation has empowered me beyond what I can express, I used to think it was silly but that was only because I didn't know how or why I should do it. I used to overthink how it had to go. Like I had to lay still for hours and chant or transcend to the heavens or some such thing. Truth is, it's not hard, complicated or overly woo-woo (unless you want it to be).

Simply by creating and allowing space every day to sit or be still, calm your breath and watch your thoughts, your gain clarity on your inner self. Meditation helps to shine a light through the haze of life's distraction and illuminates deeper levels of meaning and revelations...

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How To Release Emotions So You Can Increase Your JOY!

freedom & flow Jul 10, 2018

It was the summer of 2016, I was in a total funk, completely emotionally and energetically drained and I didn't recognize myself. I knew I was destined for SO much more in my life, but I wasn't even able to muster any energy towards anything. For 6 weeks I suffered in silence, losing sleep, gaining weight and sabotaging my health in numerous ways.

I was entirely overwhelmed in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I had lost faith in myself and questioned my life. I even wanted to quit my job to become a fashion blogger. I didn't feel worthy of what I truly wanted deep down so I buried it away to avoid the pain of not being able to have it.

I didn't realize how much my stagnant emotions were holding me back in my health and life.
I wanted SO MUCH MORE. I knew there had to be more for me in my life. I wanted my life to be full of purpose, passion, excitement. I was ready to live the life I really wanted but I didn't know how to. I was afraid to even...

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Hiking Adventures: The Top 5 Benefits to Get on the Trail

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2018

Hiking deep into the woods, moving my body, getting into a rhythm and becoming one with nature MOVES me in a such a powerful way. I find that hiking daily helps me be more creative and allows me to get my mind clear before doing tasks that require a lot of focus. And believe it or not, there's actual research to prove that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50 percent.

I've been an avid hiker for several years now, and thankfully I live near numerous trails. Recently, my boyfriend and I went on a hike to Glen Onoko Falls in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. It was breathtaking to say the least. If you are anywhere near the area and reasonably good physical shape, I highly recommend going. You won't regret it.

I am so passionate about my hikes and getting into the woods (or nature), that I've inspired a number of folks to do the same. So, I'm here to spread the love a little more and share some of the benefits as well as my tips...

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How Being Grateful Helps You Overcome Fear

freedom and flow Jul 07, 2018

There have been many times throughout my life I've found myself paralyzed with fear. The longer I'm in it, the worse I feel; physically, mentally, emotionally.

I've experienced fear so intense that I've gone into a full blown panic attack, with vomitting and hysteria. Thankfully, that only happened once in my life. Once was enough for me to know I never wanted to feel that way again.

But fear comes in many forms and while it can be good and teach us if you allow it. Fear can also hold you back and impair your health. In fact, it can be so severe it can cause anxiety that leads to heart related complications (such as high blood pressure leading to heart attacks). For me, allowing my fears to consume me has led to asthma attacks and emergency room visits.

In light of those extreme physical symptoms, I've had to learn coping strategies to face my fears in a whole new way (especially as a single mom caring for 4 kiddos with no support). Through daily journaling and my nature walks, I've...
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