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PODCAST: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away

In this episode, I share what's been on my mind of late.  One thing that keeps coming up is standing in your own truth and sovereignty. 

Being your full true self is a great source of energy. So many people lacking vitality are missing this piece of the puzzle. 

The more you are ignited with appropriate nutrients the more empowered you will become as well. The more energy you’ll have to feel capable and stand in your own personal truth especially when it does not align with the herd. 

Listen to Episode #70: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The conformity mentality: "Everyone I know is doing X - so it can’t possibly be wrong?

If you are comparing your choices in life to the ‘herd mentality’ you are NOT allowing yourself to be yourself. Meaning, you are unwilling to do the inner work to choose your own path. Your research is never complete just by towing the...

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PODCAST: How to tune into your own energy so you can live your best life?

In this podcast episode, I brought Cailee Anello back on the podcast just in time for the anniversary of our first episode together last year (Episode #7) . I was also a guest on her podcast; The Ripened Heart podcast; How mineral imbalances impact our personality, emotions and physical health

Cailee is a  human design reader with a background in psychology and homeopathy, she also trained with the Nutritional Therapy Association.

Having spent the last 8 years immersed in natural healing and the divination arts, her expertise lies in being an objective observer and intuitive guide for those who have become disconnected from their bodies and their purpose on the planet. She has a unique ability to make abstract concepts tangible and applicable to everyday life to facilitate the healing of mind, body, and soul.

Listen to Episode #52: How to tune into your own energy, so you can live your best live (with Cailee Aniello) : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio,...

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PODCAST: This is the fast track to your authentic self

In this podcast I have a conversation with Cailee Anello a functional nutritional therapy practitioner and human design reader with a background in psychology and homeopathy.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Having spent the last 7 years immersed in natural healing and the divination arts, her expertise lies in being an objective observer and intuitive guide for those who have become disconnected from their bodies and their purpose on the planet. She has a unique ability to make abstract concepts tangible and applicable to everyday life to facilitate the healing of mind, body, and soul.

Cailee and I discussed the basics of human design, how it can support you, what it shows you, how you can take this time of pandemic to get to know yourself better and take the best care of yourself. Human design is like a fast track to your authentic self - enjoy our conversation it was dynamic and fun!

Cailee can be found at :...

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