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PODCAST: Regenerative Farming Tour & Fat Soluble Vitamins

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I had an EPIC adventure to share with you about my visit with some friends to a farm I’ve been purchasing from for the past 8 years here in PA.

Listen to Episode # 130 : Regenerative Farming Tour & Fat Soluble Vitamins : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode I share about this adventure then talk about one of the biggest benefits these nutrient dense foods I buy give me, my top 3 fave foods from their farm and why as well as share briefly about regenerative farming -which is what we should all be in search of near us and quit shopping at the frickin box stores with fluorescent lights and ‘food like’ products. 

The cost to you and your health when you don’t source from farmer’s like Samuel is too great.
Have you ever heard the old adage; you can pay the farmer now or you can pay the doctor later?
You almost can’t put a price...

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Expanding our thoughts on the four letter word that starts with D

heal nutrition real food Feb 20, 2022

Words are spells that lead to magic, or not. 

If you look at the word DIET - you can see the first 3 letters spell the word DIE. 
A mentality that focuses on a diet can lead to seeing food as the enemy. It causes people to focus on their bad habits (perceived or real). People often choose to go on a diet to fix things they don't like about themselves, including fixing the number on the scale. Diets perpetuate a goal with the end in mind, a temporary 'fix'. 

If you look at the word HEALTH - you can see the first 4 letters spell the word HEAL. 
A mentality that focuses on food as nourishment and fuel. It causes people to focus on good habits and increasing their gains to crowd out their drains. It changes the timeline to a way of life versus a quick fix. It helps us focus on daily choices to help us move towards what we do want for our health and life versus what we don't want. 

Big difference. The choice is yours: "Die" or "Heal"}

What does the word...

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PODCAST: Bio-individuality (there are no one size fits all nutrition approaches)

In this episode, I talk about bio-individuality. A fundamental concept that I was taught when I attended the Nutritional Therapy Association and how I approach supporting all my clients. Bio-Individuality can help us embrace the profound beauty of a flexible, integrative approach to nutrition.

Listen to episode #84: Bio-Individuality-There are no one size fits all nutrition approachesFind A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

While we humans share many similarities, nature created each human being as their own unique microcosm. We are more remarkable for the ways we differ than for the ways we are alike.

Understanding the concept of bio-individuality as it relates to you will free you from the lunacy of the media saying one day that, greens are good for you, and the next day – they're bad for you. One day, coffee is helpful to keep you regular, and the next, it can kill you. Meat causes cancer vs. eating high amounts of meat is the...

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PODCAST: The demonization of dairy, is so very unnecessary

In this episode, I shared a quick eagle's eye view on dairy and how we got to a time in history where we demonize it. I truly believe dairy is a power food. And, if you can tolerate it currently you should not remove it just because some 'expert' said it's bad for x,y,z reasons or health 'conditions'. 

Listen to Episode #82: The Demonization of dairy, is so very unnecessary  Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

A health 'condition' does not have to be a state of permanence or something we own anyway. I share 3 keys to consider when it comes to dairy: 1. the quality of the dairy, 2. your heredity/ancestry, 3. your current state of health. 

Why remove an entire food group if you don't have to. Elimination doesn't heal you, nutrition does. Renourishing the body and restoring function takes time, therefore patience. 

Two of my favorite resources to start getting education about quality dairy, as well as the benefits of...

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PODCAST: Let's Ditch the Diet Dogma

I’m so tired, aren’t you of over analyzing what foods humans should or shouldn’t eat and people talking about this diet or that diet for this dis-ease state/ label or that. 

Listen to Episode #81: Ditch the Diet Dogma Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

There is no single diet created by a human that will ever work long term for anyone or anything. I don’t even care how much ‘scientific literature’ there is behind a given diet- there is no scientific literature out there that has the ability to observe all human over the span of a lifetime.

If you want to live your life according to a paper or diet someone else wrote based on their research -be my guest. I’m over it.

What I can say is, quality matters and to the degree it is possible I encourage sourcing quality outside of the slave system that has been created to mass produce cheaply for a profit with zero intention of benefiting the...

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PODCAST: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away

In this episode, I share what's been on my mind of late.  One thing that keeps coming up is standing in your own truth and sovereignty. 

Being your full true self is a great source of energy. So many people lacking vitality are missing this piece of the puzzle. 

The more you are ignited with appropriate nutrients the more empowered you will become as well. The more energy you’ll have to feel capable and stand in your own personal truth especially when it does not align with the herd. 

Listen to Episode #70: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The conformity mentality: "Everyone I know is doing X - so it can’t possibly be wrong?

If you are comparing your choices in life to the ‘herd mentality’ you are NOT allowing yourself to be yourself. Meaning, you are unwilling to do the inner work to choose your own path. Your research is never complete just by towing the...

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PODCAST: Still 'worried' about C-O-V-I-D, but don't want the 'V'?

In this episode, I'm sharing some prevention as well as some insights from a doctor in the arena actually treating Covid successfully. 

You may also want to refer to last year's blog post on what you can do preventatively to support your health as well, find that HERE

Peter McCullough, the most published doctor in his field in the world in history. 
He refused to let patients languish at home without support or a treatment plan before they ended up in the hospital. 

Listen to Episode #57 : Still worried about Covid but don't want the V?Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Watch the video I referred to in the podcast episode: HERE

Get the patient guide I referred to in the episode HERE.

People actually think the virus is untreatable, but there are plenty of doctors that have proven this is not true and that there is a treatment. Watch the video and download the pamphlet and share with others! 


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