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Let's Talk About Probiotics

Episode #201: Let's Talk About Probiotics! 

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In this podcast episode I share a lot of perspective on why we need to consider probiotics in the modern world - my favorite one to start with. I talk about why fermented foods may not do what we think and what we need to consider beyond probiotics because they are not silver bullets. Lots of good insight in this one so you can consider the big picture of your health scape when it comes to considering probiotic use. 

Understanding Probiotics: Do You Need Them?

Today, let's dive into the topic of probiotics.

**PRO** = For
**BIOTIC** = Life

Do you need a probiotic? Does your gut need a boost in life?

Lately, in conversations with friends and colleagues, the subject of probiotics keeps coming up. Many are losing faith—do they actually work? Are they beneficial, or could they cause harm?

In the health and wellness community, I've noticed some saying that not everyone...

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