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How To Overcome 'Energetic Clutter' From Burning You Out

Are you getting burned out by all the things you take into your life that seem like you want to pursue but they just load up like too many plates you have to spin?

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As a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur, I've found it quite easy to let the fire of my drive and hunger consume me in a way that leads to burn out.

And I've seen this very pattern in the women I coach, as well as the students I teach.

BURNED OUT with no energy to pursue what you really want!

It starts with an excitement for what is possible. However, that excitement without boundaries or clarity can end up becoming too much of a good thing. It becomes excessive energy, TOO MUCH to carry.  Which leads to overwhelm, exhaustion and the metaphorical 'spinning too many plates syndrome'.

What happens is then you end up not being able to focus, because your energy is leaking out in way too many ways and directions.

Where there is no focus or boundaries, enthusiasm can...

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How To Create A Life Full Of Ultimate Pleasure

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here.

It's totally possible to create a pleasure filled life that you love... even if you are currently in so much physical, mental, emotional pain you can't even fathom how.

Perhaps you're currently struggling with being pigeonholed into a corner of burnout from your own particular set of life challenges (your health included). You may find you are so overwhelmed that all you want to do is check out or numb out in some way by the end of the day. You no longer experience pleasure for the sake of pleasure alone.

I've been there...

Maybe right now you are worrying way too much about the potential of your current health hazards and symptoms, thinking you have some kind of scary illness or disease. This level of over-worrying is making it impossible for you to experience all that life has to offer.

Whether it is stress, anxiety or a recent illness, the challenges you have been through or a currently going through have completely drained...

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Praise & Testimonial: She Learned How To Own Her Worth

Self-Love is an imperative topic to explore and delve into for anyone who wants to heal deeply and enjoy life as fully as possible.

Self love is a regard for your own well being and happiness. It's a personal responsibility to give this kind of love to yourself, instead of hope others will give it to you. It's you learning to love yourself without condition, to value yourself and accept you are already worthy of that kind of love.

This means you accept and love yourself no matter what, when you do things you think are good and when you do things you think are bad. Because at the end of the day you are a human BEING, already worthy already whole that deserves love. You are not a human doing, who is only worthy when you do good and unworthy when you do what you or others perceive as bad.

That is an old paradigm of thinking, black and white, conditional -based on merit, based on knowledge of good and evil. It's not real love. Real love is unconditional.

To love yourself means you get to...

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How To Conquer & Reclaim Your Life As A Single Mom

In March 2009, 10 years ago at the time I’m writing this, I went on a trip half-way around the world to Hong Kong. At the time, I had no idea it was the trip that would set me free to reclaim my life.

I was in a suffocating marriage at the time. My 4 boys were all so little, I was somehow trying to home-school my oldest two. I was beyond exasperated. My soul had been sucked dry.  

I was involved in a small group of blogging friends on line at the time. All of us were deconstructing from legalistic spiritual abuse and learning to embody a grace-filled way of life. It was a powerful time albeit incredibly challenging. This small group of bloggers helped me hold out for hope.

The trip to Hong Kong was for a grace and glory conference. It was one of those divine interventions. I knew I had to go, even though it didn’t make a whole lot of sense logically.

My ex was not supportive of me going. He berated for months as I planned to go in spite of him. Deep down I had...

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How To Keep Anxiety From Ruining Your Life

Anxiety is, unfortunately, becoming much more prevalent in our modern society. Anxiety disorders are listed (statistically speaking) as the most common mental health issue currently in the US.

I’d like to re-frame this a bit to say,  anxiety does not define you. Nor is it a separate mental issue. It’s a whole-person-life-experience. Anxiety can impact all areas of your life : mind-body-emotions-soul-spirit. It impacts your relationships and your work too. Every aspect of life.

I know if you are here hanging out reading my stuff that you are looking to bring balance and harmony to your health journey. You want to feel more whole, more complete.

The truth is, you already are (we’ll get to that more in a bit or you can read more HERE).

But for right now, let’s clear some space for new mindsets and opportunities to emerge for you, shall we.

I believe something within you is likely ready for integration, ready to be healed.

If you struggle with anxiety in any...

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Happy Super Full Moon in Virgo (my sun sign) !!! Today I was encouraged to express a side of myself that I normally don't share. My free spirited side.

So, here she is ...

The only time I ever dyed my hair in my whole life.

I think I was 20.

I've always loved this photo because

Feisty, fierce, passionate, a little silly, empowered, daring, bold.

I was working on a portfolio and working with a photographer named Kevin Brown at the time. He had me me step WAY out of my comfort zone in so many of the shoots we did together.

And as scary as it felt, and as I secretly judged myself, he helped me push away all that crazy chatter and feel so comfortable letting myself be SEEN, EMPOWERED & FREE!

The photos we took together helped me to embrace the 'why not me' story and let myself go and just be and just express myself and have fun!

I think so many times we take life so seriously, we hold ourselves back and don't shine our souls out for the world to see. We shrink...

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This Is The Magic Key To Unlock Your Overwhelm For Good

Let's be honest, most of you are on a quest to feel at home within yourselves. You are looking for answers outside of yourself and feel incredibly overwhelmed as you reach for inner peace, joy and clarity. You are looking for a magic key to unlock the door to feeling stuck for good.

I sure was for most of my life.

Even still, if I listen to my own unkind, perfectionist, inner chatter that tries to inundate me with self-doubt - and forgetting WHO I REALLY AM - I can get totally side-lined and overcome with crippling overwhelm. How about you?

I shared more of my own story about turning my overwhelming breakdown into my breakthrough and how learning radical self-love was the catalyst, in a recent podcast. Be sure to check that out HERE if you haven't already.

Overwhelm is incredibly dis-empowering. It's negative impact shows up in every area of your life when it's allowed to run rampant. Society does perpetuate this if we think we have to fit into it's norms, but I think it goes deeper...

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You Are Calm, Courageous And A Force To Be Reckoned With

I’m celebrating overcoming a HUGE obstacle in my life. One that has been a long time coming, one that I finally shifted to see as an opportunity for my own growth. And boy did I learn some powerful lessons as I worked through this seemingly insurmountable barrier, let me tell you.

I learned more about my own inner strength and abilities in the past 2 years as I worked through this particular challenge. It was a hard earned lesson for sure, one that was incredibly painful but so necessary.

Now I can feel the liberation, like having climbed to the top of a mountain and looking at the breathtaking views. All the struggles I faced along the way were worth it and fading into the background, as I now revel in what they allowed me to overcome and accomplish.

And I wanted to share some of those lessons with you today as I reflect back on what I conquered.

The first is, that we all have obstacles in our lives. Some little, some seemingly massive and impossible. These obstacles are a...

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Now Is The Time To Be What You Are – Magic In Motion.

mindset personal growth Jan 21, 2019

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here (recorded May 14, 2020). 

I believe in magic, do you? I believe EVERYONE alive is magical as fuck. They just may not know it, yet.

Take me for example. I spent most of my life disconnected from my emotional self and inner truth.

Part of that has to do with how I was brought up. My family did not communicate. Emotional intelligence was completely lacking and as an empathic INFP that simply caused me to go within. Not to actually find deeper meaning, rather, I spent much time lost in creating alternative realities to tolerate and often to escape the one I was living in. At least I was creating, I’m sure I could write several fantasy novels from those years.

What I finally learned by the time I arrived to my 40’s was that it was never truly safe for me to face my emotional reality. As a child raised in a punitive strict christian home, where corporal punishment was administered, empathy and emotional support was...

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Love Is The Best Medicine Of All

It’s 2019, a year to take radical personal responsibility for your life and healing yourself. The good news is, your body has the capacity to heal itself. And love is the best medicine of all.

Your mind, emotions and spirit have an enormous impact on your body. How you think and feel about yourself and the world, as well as how you experience spiritual connection makes all the difference in healing your body.

I feel like I could write a whole entire book on this, maybe I will … for now, I want to empower you towards self-love and healing yourself.

I know it may sound cliche to say that love is the best medicine of all -all we need is love and a million other songs come to mind, but it’s so true. Science now even shows it.

So I want to help you tap into this. Even if you are someone who grew up without adequate love or were unloved as a child, you can still re-write your story. You can give yourself the love you deserve first. You can heal your own childhood and...

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