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How Mineral Imbalances Impact Our Personality, Emotions & Physical Health

In this podcast episode I was a guest on my friend Cailee of The Ripened Heart's podcast. We chatted about how I've observed that mineral imbalances do affect our emotions and personality in addition to our physical health. 

Did you know that having a mineral imbalance can have an impact on your personality and how you see the world? Mineral balancing is a delicate dance because all minerals have a relationship with each other. Take too much calcium and you get a magnesium deficiency. Consume too much salt and you deplete potassium. It's complicated stuff! And with all of the stress we've been experiencing in the past year our bodies are more depleted of minerals than ever before.

Find this guest episode of mine with Cailee over HERE


I shared some personal stories and examples so you can realize just how interconnected we are individually. As a whole person, it makes sense that all of who we are; mind, body, emotions, personality or soul is all connected. It's then...

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PODCAST: Transdermal Magnesium & Endocrine Function

In this episode, I share more about how magnesium is supercritical for endocrine function. Especially how it helps prevent and decrease PMS related symptoms. I even go into how it's helpful for a good transition to menopause. I also share how magnesium helps us make DHEA. 

Listen to Episode #61: Transdermal Magnesium & Endocrine Function : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

So much gold in this episode. Please listen, share with a friend, your sister, mom, aunt, daughter or BFF! 

Also, head over to my blog post; 'How to Take a Magnesium Bath' for direction on how to take action from this episode. I share the how/why/what of magnesium chloride flakes and some of my bath recipes for you to try out as well. 

Oh and by the way, you can order the magnesium chloride flakes I talk about right HERE

Mineral balancing is so key, it helps us to avoid serious health complications when we know how to approach minerals properly....

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PODCAST: Is Your Pineal Gland Calcified? (Why Fluoride Effs Things Up!)

Losing connection to source, feeling disconnected, not knowing how to tap into your own intuition, loss of joy, inability to experience euphoria and depression are all connected to a blocked pineal gland. The pineal gland can easily become calcified by the time we are in our late teens due to numerous things; exposure to poor quality food and drinks, lack of sun, exposure to fluoride. 

Listen to Episode #60: Is Your Pineal Gland Calcified? Why Fluoride Effs Things Up!  Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I explain some of what the pineal gland does, what symptoms one would experience if it were blocked or calcified and some actions steps to take to reverse the damage. One of the action steps would be to at the very least to get started with magnesium, which I wrote more about on my site and shared in past posts. 

Check out; How to get magnesium right from the start , The magnesium-calcium relationship and why...

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PODCAST: What is Mineral Balancing?

Several years ago, when I began creating my practitioner program teaching others about hair tissue mineral analysis, I had to come up with a name for it. We decided on holistic mineral balancing and it stuck. It then seemed to be a term others were using too; mineral balancing. 

In this podcast episode, I expound on what exactly it is in case you ever wondered. 

Listen to Episode #59: What is Mineral Balancing  - Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Holistic Mineral Balancing is essentially a way to help guide a whole system approach to restoring health through understanding the mineral system of the body and using a tissue analysis for guidance on an appropriate whole body approach. 

Mineral balancing is not just about minerals alone, however, it recognizes that minerals run the show so to speak and need to be addressed from the start so whole body function can be recover and optimized. 

Want more episodes like this...

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PODCAST: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility

In this episode, I shared more about my youngest sons's extreme reactive physical, mental and emotional behaviors. I realize now, he was recovering from trauma that was passed on during my pregnancy and I was also dealing with during his first couple years of life. It showed up in some pretty challenging ways and I was finally able to resolve them all with mineral balancing through HTMA. 

Listen to Episode #50: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Natural non-invasive healing modalities do exist for those with AD/HD behaviors. There is so much we can do holistically for our kids without chemical medications, without the limitations of what Western medicine offers. 

I can see inside a person's current biochemistry with a tissue mineral analysis, that helps me see their physical, mental and emotional issues based on their mineral pattern. This is how I was able to see my son's...

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How To Protect Your Health with Vitamin A

In my journey to recover from burnout and remineralize my body, as well as help my clients do the same, there have been so many nutrients that have helped me get back my spark. Vitamin A has been a key player. 

I did not grow up eating very many vitamin A rich foods (most of us here in the US didn’t). As I result, I struggled with things like; immune health issues; asthma, allergies, respiratory infections, constant thick mucus, skin issues (dry skin, red bumps on my arms and legs) and gut issues galore. As an adult I ended up with serious gut dysbiosis, eczema and a constant battle with keeping my immune system stable. 

It wasn't until I learned more about the fat soluble vitamins, including vitamin A thanks to my friend introducing me to Sally Fallon’s book; Nourishing Traditions. Which then led me to change our diet to more of an ancestral diet including high quality pastured eggs, raw milk/cream and ghee. As well as adding liver to our ground meat dinners...

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How I Help Practitioners Get Started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

I've shared my story about how I personally got started using hair tissue analysis (HTMA) in my holistic health practice (HERE). In this post, I am here to share how I got started helping other holistic practitioners, primarily functional nutritional therapy practitioners, learn how to interpret and integrate HTMA for their own practices. 

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #47 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I often felt like I needed more support and more insight. The truth is, I was already knowledgeable enough to help people and had a lot to offer the world.  However, I felt I lacked experience and wasn’t clear on what was possible for me as a practitioner.

I had a DEEP desire to learn more and my top desire was to get my own hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done after reading some amazing things about this test. Not to mention, my intuition told me minerals were going to be a key player in my own...

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THE Magnesium-Calcium Relationship and Why It Matters For Muscle Health

Dealing with muscle pain, cramps and spasms is a huge energy drain. I have lived with this kind of chronic pain in the past for years and it literally sucks the joy out of life. 

Listen to this blog post share on the podcast; episode #76 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

The same is true for many of my clients. Clients who experience not only muscle tightness and pain, but cramps and spasms. No amount of body work can correct a muscle cramping issue that is due to a mineral imbalance. 

One of the biggest mineral imbalances we are collectively dealing with today is between calcium and magnesium. Collectively we are dealing with an excess of calcium and a deficiency of magnesium. There are many reasons for this. Our depleted soil for one thing. Calcium fortified foods have been around for many decades, yet nothing has been done to rectify our magnesium deficient soil, water and food. This creates an imbalance in the calcium and magnesium ratio in...

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What you need to know to assess 'vitamin' D more thoroughly

First off, let me be clear, the primary source of vitamin D is the sun, and it is found naturally in very few whole foods, foods that are naturally exposed to the sun. Sunlight and vitamin D are not the same thing


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

The real problem is that more and more people are spending time indoors AWAY from the sun. Not to mention, slather their bodies with sunscreen when outdoors and this blocks them from making the sun to skin process that creates vitamin D in the body. 

Get nerdy and check out this conversation with Kris Kross of EMRTEK about these very problems and the added challenge with our exposure to blue light. 

It's important to understand that Vitamin D is made in our bodies by a step by step conversion process. It's not a vitamin we get from food as our primary source of it for human health.

We CAN choose to consume these...

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Remineralize to recover from burnout

"Why doesn't everyone know about this remineralizing thing?", said a client recently after feeling like she came back from a deep state of burnout, desperately trying to get through every day in survival mode. 

That's a good question. Now that you can be diagnosed with burnout according the World Health Organization, it's time to get the word out to the masses. 

While there are MANY things leading the modern woman into burnout, not being able to have a fully charged battery in the first place creates an ongoing conundrum. What allows us to keep our human battery charged with potent electrical potential? You guessed it, MINERALS.

I've been on a hot mission the past 6 years to educate others and help my clients remineralize their body. This year I decided it was time to share all my knowledge, from experience in a way more people could benefit from. 

I created an online program called; REMINERALIZE to take people through a step by step education so they can start putting...

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