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PODCAST: Open to your amazing beautiful life

In this podcast I have a wild and powerful conversation with Michale Chatham a visionary who facilitates change in others from a place of knowledge, experience and energetic calibration.

Her education and clinical background are vast; Bachelors of Science in Nursing, IBCLC, Licensed Massage Therapist and trained as an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist. 
She has 30 years experience in Oncology, gastroenterology, Industrial toxicology, Biological and Airway Dentistry. She is owner and founder of MyoWild® a concierge of consciousness and helps clients create their unimaginable lives. 


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Having spent the last 30 years immersed in clinical practice, she has discovered a unique frame to help clients ditch the treacherous allopathic path so they can create a turned on life. She has a unique ability to see quickly to the truth of the matter is like a laser ...making her a...

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How to live through one of the craziest times ever

Staying at home this past 6 weeks or so has proven to be quite a test to many of you. It's one of the craziest times ever for most of you. And there is no playbook, no survival guide. That said, I have some thoughts to help support you through this bizarre time.

In the beginning of quarantine, you may have worried too much about the potential health hazards. Perhaps you still are, but this over-worrying has made it impossible for you to actually experience and enjoy your life. Yes, even during a pandemic it's okay to still experience joy and all that life as to offer.

Perhaps you've held on to the worry as a protection. So you don't get careless. You are afraid to let go of the worry because you might expose yourself and get sick. While this could be true, it's still possible to LIVE today.

Life is for living, not preoccupying yourself with what MIGHT happen should you go outside. You need to get outside, strengthen your muscles both physically and mentally. Doing so will create a...

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How to spark your enthusiasm for life

You're in your head too much, stressing, not sleeping. You feel like 100 tabs are open in your brain at all times. Perhaps you've become addicted to stress.

Your mind won't quit, you feel incredibly anxious and irritable, your body starts to revolt and then you begin to question your own sanity. Have I gone mad? Am I entirely losing my mind?

You literally feel guilty when you aren't on top of everything but yet you find yourself paralyzed in your chair not able to mobilize. All the while feeling guilt and shame because you are not being productive enough. But what you don't know, is your body is wise to park your ass for awhile.

You see, you can't run on fumes my friend. You can't run on an empty battery, you aren't the energizer bunny. You have to recharge your batteries. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

You as a grown ass woman still need to rest but also PLAY.

You wonder why you've lost your sense of fun and stopped creating your art, stopped making your music or stopped writing your novel?


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When you have energy, being yourself comes naturally.

*Listen to the podcast episode here.

When you have energy, being yourself comes naturally. You don't have to try.  When you choose to be yourself, energy comes naturally.

What is possible for you in your life and health when you know how well your body is intended to function? I've been hearing a lot from women who are wanting more for themselves but can't quite figure out what that is.

In this podcast episode, I'm making connections for you as to what is possible when your body has robust energy production and reserves.

One of the first things I learned when I first got started with mineral balancing and HTMA was through Dr. Eck. One of the, 'founding fathers' of mineral balancing and HTMA. It was his amazing stories that inspired me.

We can ALL be spontaneous and fun to be with. We can ALL have great human relations. And we can ALL have ecstatic and fulfilling sexual lives. But first, let's get fear out of our lives. And let's do it by increasing our energy levels so that we ...

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Praise & Testimonial: She was shocked and thrilled


Over the years I've worked with a lot of women to help unravel their health concerns, but I've also supported over 200 holistic health practitioners in teaching them how to get started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in their holistic health practices. 

Today I want to share an example with you of a woman who I worked with on both fronts; her personal health as a client and a student inside my Holistic Mineral Balancing program (no longer available: now it's called 'The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart').

Below is just a summary of our conversation, to hear the whole conversation and not miss a single beat, click the video player above to watch/listen. The video is only about 25 minutes long.

Meet My Client (& Student), Jennifer

Jennifer and I connected at a I met over dinner during a weekend workshop for the Nutritional Therapy Association program. She had never heard of hair tissue mineral analysis before and was really intrigued. She looked into and realized she...

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How to recognize if you are in survival mode

Right now, you and I are living in a time and crisis we have never had to navigate before in our lives. And with a crisis comes a physiological response. Of course it will vary from person to person, but let's be honest, it's a MASSIVE stress. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even physically.

Sure, we can adjust and adapt and cope. But the threat is there, looming large in a myriad of ways.

With that in mind, I wanted to share more insight into your body, particularly to help you understand one of the glands that is working their little asses off right now.

Since I work with women in burnout and I myself was in extreme burnout and living in survival mode of many years; I feel compelled to help you understand your body more.

In this podcast episode I'm sharing insight into the inner workings of your body; to help you recognize if you might be in survival mode.

One of the most powerful glands in your body in terms of how you cope with stress, how your body regulates...

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How I got started with HTMA in my practice

I can still remember when I was pretty green as a nutritional therapy practitioner. No mentor. No biz coach. No functional testing under my belt.

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #45 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I often felt like I needed more support and more insight. The truth is, I was already knowledgeable enough to help people and had a lot to offer the world.  However, I felt I lacked experience and wasn’t clear on what was possible for me as a practitioner.

I had a DEEP desire to learn more and my top desire was to get my own hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done after reading some amazing things about this test. Not to mention, my intuition told me minerals were going to be a key player in my own healing as well as for others.

The problem was,  I had an avoidant relationship with giving myself what I needed.
I procrastinated, pushed it away and always said to myself "someday I will get to...

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COVID 19: My Prevention Plan & Tips (Part 2)

Today marks one week to the day we began our shelter-in-place. My family and I live just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I knew we had to do our part to flatten the curve.

And as I reflect on this past week and the clarity I gained from it, here is my plan for my family along with tips from all my own research this past week to take precautions in light of COVID 19.

In addition I have more information, insight and prevention tips in the past 3 posts I've written, plus my latest podcast episode AND I re-opened my free Facebook group; Vibrant Health with Lydia.

How to Absolutely Protect Your Health This Spring
How to Use Vitamin C to Protect Your Health
How to Deal with Anxiety in Uncertain Times
PODCAST EPISODE: Corona: A Time For Extraordinary Self-Love
Join my Facebook group: Vibrant Health with Lydia

1. Hand washing

I know, I know, this should be obvious, right? I was initially annoyed about all this hand washing, BUT I did my due diligence and learned the WHY behind it...

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Corona: A Time for Extraordinary Self-Love

Getting through Corona is going to take some serious patience, grit and serious self-love.

So, I thought I'd share some of what I am doing to help navigate this time to support my mental health as well as protect my families health. And why, now more than ever is a time for EXTRAORDINARY Self-Love

With all this in mind, I shared this over on the podcast: A Joy To Be Me in a new episode; Corona: A Time for Extraordinary Self-Love.

If you are looking for support to empower you further than you can on  your own, I invite you to book an intuitive breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and learn how my coaching will provide you with effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (aka: YOUR BREAKDOWN) so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I would love to hear from you... how are you coping right now? How are you able to create space for yourself in this time?  Did this podcast...

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How To Deal With Anxiety In Uncertain Times

I'm not gonna lie, I am feeling a bit on edge right now as the Corona Virus spreads through the world. Uncertainty and anxiety are very tangible right now.

It's important to allow yourself to feel what you feel, but also to lean in more than ever to find ways to soothe, calm and cope. Ways to create healthy conversations, boundaries and establish routine self-care practices.

I decided the best thing I can do is up all of my health practices I've been doing over the past several years, and encourage you to do the same.

I've spent the past decade working from home. During several of those years, I was mostly socially isolated due to recovering from PTSD, adrenal exhaustion and trying to start a business. I am somewhat familiar with social distancing as I've gone days on end many stretches with no human contact other than my own kids.

But this, right now, is different. I'm trying to see the opportunity in it, while also maintaining some level of zen. As well as a time to focus on...

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