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PODCAST: Are you on the top of your 'to-do' list?

In this episode, I'm giving a pep talk if you will about how to shift from focusing so much of your energy on externals and doing and get back to your center, yourself and BE present with who you are and what you want. 

Listen to Episode #83: Are you on the top of your 'to-do' list? :   Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Let's face it ladies, many of us are frazzled by life. We are juggling A LOT in burned out bodies without 'the tribe'. We've lost sight of what is most important - BEing nourished (in all ways). 

I go into what I think being nourished means as well as how you can totally forget your to-do list when you shift gears and put your well being at the top. 

For more inspiration on nourishing yourself first, check out these past posts: 

> How to spark your enthusiasm for life 
> This is what happens when you get in touch with your inner child
> How to overcome 'energetic clutter' from burning you...

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What Happens When You Actually Like Yourself

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I love to get up when the house is quiet in the morning, long before anyone else awakes. I brew my coffee in my stainless steel french press and cozy up to my ceramic owl mug, savoring the comfort of every sip. It's a gift I give myself every chance I get.

This sacred ritual allows me to just BE. To journal my thoughts, to reflect on things, to use the extra intuition found in my tarot spreads and then to write, hike, meditate - whatever I feel compelled to. I may jot down some to-do's for later, but the first matter of affairs is attending to my soul, my inner self. This is what I choose to nourish with because I truly want to love and care for myself.

It wasn't always this way for me... mind you, I've always been a deep...

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Vulnerable Share: How To Love Yourself As You Are


Let's get vulnerable together, shall we? Totally naked, real, raw and unashamed.

Let's have a conversation about letting go of all the shame and judgement we put upon ourselves about our bodies.

I've gotta be honest and say, I'm pretty sick of the diet industry, the beauty industry, fashion industry mindset. Basically, any industry trying to make us believe we are not already WORTHY enough as we already are.

American culture has perpetuated a lot of body shaming. And you and I are at the effect of that unfortunately. But we don't have to let it impact us anymore. You and I, we can get honest about how we observe our own bodies and do something about it.

In this video, (you can watch it by clicking the play button in the image above), I shared my thoughts about this very conundrum we face.

My mission? To help you learn to love yourself just as you are.

How do you observe your own body, are you super critical of it? The only way you can embody more self-love is to shine the light on...

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