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Give yourself permission

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Don’t look for society to give you permission to be yourself- give it to yourself!

Listen to episode #125 : Give Yourself Permission - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
The only thing standing between you and a better, healthier, more abundant life is simply giving yourself permission  to be who you truly are meant to be.

But, that can be difficult because we live in a culture where we are programmed from birth to ask “authority figures” for permission for everything. 
Nourished people, people who love and care for themselves, are also more efficient and much easier to be around. 
 When you give yourself permission to relax, people will feel more relaxed around you; your environment will become more harmonious. 

Tune in for a powerful reminder on how and why to give yourself permission, so you can live in more freedom as YOU. 

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What Happens When You Actually Like Yourself

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I love to get up when the house is quiet in the morning, long before anyone else awakes. I brew my coffee in my stainless steel french press and cozy up to my ceramic owl mug, savoring the comfort of every sip. It's a gift I give myself every chance I get.

This sacred ritual allows me to just BE. To journal my thoughts, to reflect on things, to use the extra intuition found in my tarot spreads and then to write, hike, meditate - whatever I feel compelled to. I may jot down some to-do's for later, but the first matter of affairs is attending to my soul, my inner self. This is what I choose to nourish with because I truly want to love and care for myself.

It wasn't always this way for me... mind you, I've always been a deep...

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