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Powering Up From Source

nature podcast remineralize May 16, 2022

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In this episode, I share a little recap  of my weekend foraging and full moon gathering adventures. We walked a labyrinth which is for brain balancing and had a mini tuning session before we entered. I also learned why you don't want to sleep with your head facing north.

Listen to Episode #124 : Powering up from source - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Just a year ago I was not connected to a supportive tribe - I think many of us can relate to how these past couple years have shaken up our lives in many ways : finding our true tribe one of such ways. I’m so grateful because I set an intention after my podcast with Tommy John to find my soul tribe and here I am a year later enjoying the reality of that intention.

Now that the weather is glorious here in the northeast we can really power up from nature - and I want to talk briefly about how we work within nature first then you can hack your health accordingly.

I’m running into a lot of people in an awful hurry to heal and almost ‘force’ it by throwing EVERYTHING at themselves but to be completely honest this is still a disconnected approach. Trying to fill gaps by taking 40 supplements and then find everything that is possibly wrong so you can find another supplement or test to fix it, is still an allopathic mindset that we GET to shift.

Your body is at it’s best when it’s connected to the earth’s natural energy. 


Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart





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