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How To Actually Create A Healthy Relationship With Food

Have you ever felt like your physical, mental, emotional health was so out of control that you tried obsessively control it with food?

Do you constantly think about your food so much, you worry about everything you put in your mouth and wonder if your body will react ?

Do you feel like there aren't any safe foods your body can tolerate right now?

Do you restrict to the point of complete misery and still aren't getting better, which then leads into episodes of binge eating to comfort the physical, mental, emotional pain you are in?

The Bigger Problems That Ensue When You're In Burnout & 'Food Obsessed'

You begin to feel insane and your thoughts drive you so crazy . This food obsession literally sucks all the joy out of eating and creeps into your entire life. You may get moody at meal times, and not really be satisfied with what you are eating. Then you entertain thoughts of secretly binging but become depressed because you know that could derail your health for days. So you...

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