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PODCAST: Asking for help

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me)

Getting the help we need shouldn’t be so damn hard. However, for many of us it is.

The truth is, society is not set up for our health & well being. We are all more collectively burned out than any of us cares to admit. We don’t want to admit it because we make it mean something bad about ourselves. We feel shame, grief, frustration . . . we feel like we just have to keep showing up saving face OR we can’t show our true mess or needs for fear of judgment or rejection. Perhaps we feel like we are being a burden. Perhaps we feel like people won’t really understand or be able to help us.

Listen to Episode #109: Asking for help: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

The truth is, I myself have needed help for far longer than I’ve been willing to admit. As a single mom of four boys, what I really needed all this time was a community that would help me raise my sons....

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PODCAST: When your blood pressure is low, so are you

I had a couple clients bring this up this week: anything in 3s I know I need to do a podcast -so here it is. 

Listen to Episode #108: When your blood pressure is low, so are you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

First person was someone who has been burning the candle at both ends since forever and just started back up training for the most intense race of her life. She was puzzled by why she couldn’t do it like she could before one day when she had shortness of breath and dizziness. I asked her to get her blood  pressure checked ASAP because off hand she did not know what it was or the last time it was checked. 

Here’s why it’s an important marker for health, especially when it’s low NAMELY because we never hear anything about what to do if it’s low or what it means if it’s low but rather are just ushered along; after hearing ‘your BP is nice and low’ 

They don’t have a...

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Practical Solutions for EMF Protection


In this episode, I chat with my friend Brian Hoyer and EMF expert. We cover all the forms of EMFs we are currently exposed to, and how to reduce exposures. Why we want to reduce exposures and how this impacts our health.

Watch through the video player in the blog post above or on YouTube HERE

Years ago when Brian was in my area of Southeast PA, we created a couple of videos. You can check those out HERE ( How to get better sleep and improve your health ), HERE ( Why Microwaves are bad for you ) and HERE (How to eat healthy on the road ). 

Grab a refreshing mineral rich beverage and be ready to take copious notes : this is like a mini course for those who want to start taking immediate action steps. 

Brian goes over what he calls the 3 D's: 

- Downtime (sleep, eat, detox)
- Duration (of exposure)
- Distance (from source of exposure)

He also shared a few resources while we chatted. Two books mentioned were; Boiled Frog Syndrome and EMF'd by Dr. Mercola. As well as a

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PODCAST: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you

Navigating food intolerances/sensitivities is something I have gone through myself and it’s something I have to explore with many clients as well. There can be a lot of moving parts to this food ‘allergy’ equation. It’s not as simple as ONLY avoiding or removing because then you never uncover what led to this and what can lead you back towards freedom.

That shared, in episode #106, I share some thoughts and a reframe for you as well as some considerations to start with before going straight to eliminating foods. 

Listen to Episode #106: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

It is important to honor our bodies where they are at when they signal a NO around a food. BUT it’s equally, if not more so, important to live in a FREE body. A body that doesn’t have to view real food as a threat. That is not a joyful way to have to live.

I’ve seen...

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Celebrating 2 years of podcasting + Digging into glutathione

I am Celebrating 2 years of podcasting on this heart opening day of honoring LOVE. 

If you haven’t listened to my first episode -go back and do so, it’s just under 20 minutes: Get your spark back!

I introduced my story and why I started this podcast for you! I share how I got my spark back after many years of deep burnout and why I’m SO passionate about pleasure!

That shared, in episode 104, I talk about an important piece in helping us all get our vitality -therefore spark, back or ignited.

Listen to Episode #104: Celebrating 2 Years ! + Digging Into Glutathione: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Whenever I see patterns emerging in my conversations and my client work or research, I take note. One topic that has been coming up recently is; supporting the body to increase energy and detox better. A big piece is through glutathione production in the body so everything functions better.

We all need help detoxing today but how...

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PODCAST: The true cost of high quality food vs cheap processed food

Donations appreciated (PayPal Me) 

In this episode, I unpack a common mindset many people have around switching over to real food from a processed food diet. As well as from sourcing the BEST quality food in general from local farms doing it right.

Listen to episode # 103 : The true cost of high quality food vs cheap processed food - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

We are seeing a price increase across the board in our food purchases, so I thought now was a good to share some thoughts on how to invest well in our food with health in mind.

I share my thoughts and tips on ways to strategically buy top-quality food and save money in the short and long term.

Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart

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VIDEO: A Chat Centered Around Joyfulness with Max Morris

health freedom joy podcast Feb 01, 2022

I was invited to a video chat with my new friend Max Morris, who I met through my PA Health Freedom group. 

Yesterday Max recorded this joyful conversation -- to be shared with you, for your journey, & across interconnected networks of caring, joyful people. Amazing to reveal what we can heal when we center awareness in our own bodies & find what is most right for us. We're tuning to what we love, feeling good, honoring the benefits of pleasurable experiences, & discovering ourselves as powerful forces for positive change in the world. 

More of Intuitive Public Radio interview links can be found here:

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Embody Gratitude & Watch Your Life Transform!

In this episode, I'm sharing an amazing way to transform your life and health. I've shared about it in the past on the blog but I believe it's truly time to revisit this. 

What is it? 


Listen to episode #99: Embody Gratitude & Watch Your Life Transform : Find on: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

This episode is super important - even if you think you intellectually KNOW about gratitude I encourage you to listen anyway. Repetition is the mother of all learning and knowing isn't the same as embodying.

There have even been studies done where scientists find that people who practice gratitude consistently are reaping many healthful benefits. When you practice gratitude, it really benefits your entire body and well-being.

I share more about that in this episode along with several tips and resources you can use to make this a habit in your life so it becomes a way of BEING for you!

Additional resources on gratitude for you: 

- Don't just...

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What you need to know when taking magnesium makes you feel worse

Magnesium the miracle mineral could only possible have good intentions and affects, right? While magnesium is an imperative mineral good for human health, sometimes the body is not quite ready to receive it in the way we give it. 

Listen to episode #98: When Magnesium makes you worse (IMPORTANT MESSAGE) : Find on: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In this episode, I dig into what you need to consider if you've tried magnesium and it made you feel worse instead of better. Trust me, you're gonna love this episode. Buckle up because this episode is fueled by my firey side (and lots of LOVE)!

So many people come to the mineral banquet and just assume they can dive right in to their hearts content (metaphorically speaking), yet often times there is a lot going on in their system that could make it not go down so smoothly. 

I start the episode with a REFRAME we all need to hear whether we are dealing with magnesium backfiring or not. 

I also referenced plenty...

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What do you want for your health & life in 2022?

Let's bring in the New Year with some good health vibes, shall we?

Listen to Episode # 97 : What do you want for your health & life in 2022? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode, I'm asking a VERY important question of which is the foundation for you to set yourself up to create & build health and happiness! Let's dive in!

De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want in life!

I talk more about going back to the basics, the fundamentals -get to the roots so you can make a radical shift for your health this year. You can't build upon a faulty foundation - and we all have room to grow in shoring up the fundamentals -the pillars of our health. 

So let's get back to the basics and go DEEPER with them. I share what I think are the 7 pillars of health. You can get started with the next step for YOU for each of those pillars instead of getting swept away by the 'trends' of 2022 or...

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