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A pledge of blind allegiance to 'vitamin' D

It's no secret I've got a big beef with how we over recommend vitamin D supplements.

To be fair, I don't like hyping up any single nutrient as a god unto itself.

It's not how nature intended for us to receive our nutrition and it loses it's full spectrum benefits and turns into a hazard in the human system. 

I shared a funny reel to show just how cult-y this whole excess vitamin D thing has gotten -watch it HERE

You can also go back and read my past posts on the blog about what treating this one nutrient as a god unto itself can do when taken in excess by itself for too long. 

Read; 'What you need to know to assess 'Vitamin D' more thoroughly' and  'How excessive vitamin D supplements can suppress thyroid function'. 

I went on to share in an Instagram TV video, a few more big picture ways to view this whole excess D taking conundrum. I promise you don't have to be REACTIVE about vitamin D in light of all the excessive talk about it this past year.

You can...

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Why having a healthy microbiome matters

While most of the population lives in fear and trusts the main stream narrative, I’ll just be over here benefiting from huge huge advances in technology and science in relation to the human microbiome. 

Check out this video where I unbox a BiomeFX stool analysis and share what it is and why I love it. 

To have a healthy microbiome is to have optimal health yet no one alive has perfected this yet and it’s no wonder. We are exposed to more chemicals and toxins than ever before and decreasing food diversity and quality.

If you’re one of the deep divers and you want to dig in to your microbiome to optimize your health, keep reading. 

One of the most common trends I'm seeing in my practice as I review more BiomeFX results is low levels of good bacteria. 

In ones microbiome a low diversity of good bacteria can cause more issues than high levels of pathogens

And it’s far more common. 

It’s dysbiosis in the sense that the body does not...

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PODCAST: Safe Summer Sun Sessions

In this episode, I chat about how to prepare your skin to build your solar callous and stay safe in the sun. It's more about what you do before hand. This is an important part of life we can all improve and it will be important for the rest of our living days. I've got lots of tips so you can create a year round plan to enjoy the sun and stay safe out there! 

Listen to Episode #67: Safe Summer Sun Sessions : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Unfortunately we have created a fear of the sun in our culture. Not only that but we've created a bad habit of slathering ourselves with toxic sunscreen. Yet, we cannot thrive without the sun on our skin for various health benefits. 

Really understanding safe sun exposure is about understanding how light interacts with our body and our cells. 

We want to figure out how to do this as much as possible in micro doses so that we become more tolerant to sun exposure while also doing the...

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PODCAST: How can I re-energize my body?

What women in burnout are struggling with is a collection of systemic body breakdown. It’s my job to take all the threads (aka: health concerns/healthy history) and weave them together into a tapestry (aka: plan) that gives you a big overview of your inner workings so you know where to start. 

Let's be honest, it's important you start and keep going because it's not overnight we can fix our total body meltdown. So many women spend years trying to figure out what's wrong with them. They go to countless providers and try countless different approaches that don't quite work. It can be so exhausting and overwhelming. I'm here to help women re-energize their entire system with a really great starting point. 

Listen to Episode #51: How can I re-energize my body? Where do I start? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Information without context is just data and it's not nourishing. 

I asked what questions my reader's had for me...

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PODCAST: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA

In this episode, I have a conversation with Margaret Barry, a fellow practitioner who went through my HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart program. She shared why she wanted to get started with hair tissue mineral analysis for herself (and family) as well as add it to her virtual nutritional therapy practice.  I think you will lover her enthusiasm about what she experienced and learned. 

Listen to Episode #48: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

You can also WATCH this conversation via video, on this page HERE. There are several other practitioner testimonials as well. Margaret's is the only video on the page. 

I also shared in a past blog/podcast; How I help practitioners get started with HTMA. You can read or listen to that episode HERE

More and more practitioners are realizing the incredible importance of functional testing in addition to how not knowing how to address minerals is a missing piece...

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Could you be hypoglycemic without knowing it?

Every hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) I review I see some sort of blood sugar imbalance, usually hypoglycemia, and the person doesn't even realize it's occuring. 

Listen to this blog post on the podcast: Find A Joy To Be Me: Episode #92 on Buzzsprout >HERE< also on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify. 

Basically hypoglycemia is an early stage of diabetes but it’s often ignored in the medical world and so it can progress before you even realize it into diabetes.

Remineralizing in the body helps with our ability to improve glucose metabolism at a very deep level this also gives a level of food diversity back to the person so a high protein or restrictive low carb diet is not necessary. 

Restoring glucose and carbohydrate metabolism is really about restoring the bodies energy system. It’s kind of like if the fuel system in the car wasn’t working right you wouldn’t get enough power to run the car. The same is true in the human body.


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How I Help Practitioners Get Started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

I've shared my story about how I personally got started using hair tissue analysis (HTMA) in my holistic health practice (HERE). In this post, I am here to share how I got started helping other holistic practitioners, primarily functional nutritional therapy practitioners, learn how to interpret and integrate HTMA for their own practices. 

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #47 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I often felt like I needed more support and more insight. The truth is, I was already knowledgeable enough to help people and had a lot to offer the world.  However, I felt I lacked experience and wasn’t clear on what was possible for me as a practitioner.

I had a DEEP desire to learn more and my top desire was to get my own hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done after reading some amazing things about this test. Not to mention, my intuition told me minerals were going to be a key player in my own...

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THE Magnesium-Calcium Relationship and Why It Matters For Muscle Health

Dealing with muscle pain, cramps and spasms is a huge energy drain. I have lived with this kind of chronic pain in the past for years and it literally sucks the joy out of life. 

Listen to this blog post share on the podcast; episode #76 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

The same is true for many of my clients. Clients who experience not only muscle tightness and pain, but cramps and spasms. No amount of body work can correct a muscle cramping issue that is due to a mineral imbalance. 

One of the biggest mineral imbalances we are collectively dealing with today is between calcium and magnesium. Collectively we are dealing with an excess of calcium and a deficiency of magnesium. There are many reasons for this. Our depleted soil for one thing. Calcium fortified foods have been around for many decades, yet nothing has been done to rectify our magnesium deficient soil, water and food. This creates an imbalance in the calcium and magnesium ratio in...

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How Excessive Vitamin D Supplements Can Suppress Thyroid Function

There's something I've been talking about for years that every woman in burnout should know about because it's not mainstream yet. Even though it has a huge impact on your health to the opposite of what the mainstream is suggesting. 

Did you know that excessive vitamin D supplementation can contribute to a loss of potassium and suppress thyroid function? *Read this research article demonstrating renal potassium wasting induced by vitamin D.

[I'm talking, doses of several thousand IU taken over many months to years without adequate testing or considering how the body utilizes the supplement form of D versus how it would make it's own through sun exposure on bare skin. As well as, understanding the role it plays in the mineral system, which is most people is already favoring a high tissue calcium state of biochemistry]. 

Vitamin D can actually have an antagonizing impact on thyroid function because it can increase the absorption and retention of calcium. This can drive...

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What you need to know to assess 'vitamin' D more thoroughly

First off, let me be clear, the primary source of vitamin D is the sun, and it is found naturally in very few whole foods, foods that are naturally exposed to the sun. Sunlight and vitamin D are not the same thing


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

The real problem is that more and more people are spending time indoors AWAY from the sun. Not to mention, slather their bodies with sunscreen when outdoors and this blocks them from making the sun to skin process that creates vitamin D in the body. 

Get nerdy and check out this conversation with Kris Kross of EMRTEK about these very problems and the added challenge with our exposure to blue light. 

It's important to understand that Vitamin D is made in our bodies by a step by step conversion process. It's not a vitamin we get from food as our primary source of it for human health.

We CAN choose to consume these...

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