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Why Focusing on Health Fundamentals Is Key to Long-Term Wellness

Episode #209: Why focusing on health fundamentals is key to long-term wellness

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In this episode, I'm sharing another layer of an important reminder of why we need to get back to the fundamentals - to create lasting health and break free from the quick fix mentality that is only burying us deeper and deeper. 
I dive into what I believe are the top reasons to focus on the fundamentals of your health.
Plus, I remind you what those fundamentals are along with a resource to dive deeper if want to. 
Tune in to discover more about my point of view with some story telling on how we need to decondition our mindsets so we can get to taking consistent action that overtime builds lasting health resiliency. 

During a recent client session, where we reviewed her health history, goals, and HTMA results, her biggest takeaway was:

*"I really appreciated the gentleness of diving in and seeing what’s going on."*

Over the years,...

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How to live through one of the craziest times ever

Staying at home this past 6 weeks or so has proven to be quite a test to many of you. It's one of the craziest times ever for most of you. And there is no playbook, no survival guide. That said, I have some thoughts to help support you through this bizarre time.

In the beginning of quarantine, you may have worried too much about the potential health hazards. Perhaps you still are, but this over-worrying has made it impossible for you to actually experience and enjoy your life. Yes, even during a pandemic it's okay to still experience joy and all that life as to offer.

Perhaps you've held on to the worry as a protection. So you don't get careless. You are afraid to let go of the worry because you might expose yourself and get sick. While this could be true, it's still possible to LIVE today.

Life is for living, not preoccupying yourself with what MIGHT happen should you go outside. You need to get outside, strengthen your muscles both physically and mentally. Doing so will create a...

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