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How To Best Recover From Adrenal Fatigue & Be Healthy

It has taken me YEARS to recover my health after my split from my ex, and the baby years. Starting my new life as a single mom, no income, completely burned out, my health kept taking a hit. I was working my way out of the stress from the past, while dealing with a whole new stressful way of life.

I can still remember going through cycles of ups and downs in my health. Feeling better but then pushing too hard only to crash again. During one of my health crashes in 2013, I finally went to see a local herbalist in my town. I had been to all my doctors already and received zero real answers or support to help me.

I remember laying on the herbalists massage table before she did nutritional response testing on me. As soon as she began the muscle testing on me, she asked me if I was getting any sleep at all. The crazy thing was, at the time my sleep was pretty good, but I was still exhausted (even with 9+ hours of sleep a night). She was observing the years and years of me not being able...

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My Favorite ENERGY Tonic In The World For Adrenal Fatigue


Ladies, if you are struggling with fatigue, burn out or exhaustion, listen up!

I'm about to share my favorite energy tonic in the world for adrenal fatigue.

It has been my go-to remedy and nourishing beverage, both for myself and my clients for many years now. Many women have thanked me profusely for getting them started on this powerful healing tonic and I want to share it with you, so you can get your spark back.

This is for you, if you have adrenal fatigue, or chronic fatigue, you really struggle to have enough energy daily to get up and get through your day without dragging your anchor so to speak. Especially if, you crave stimulants, such as coffee, chocolate or even stimulating supplements to kick-start your energy and keep you going. The problem is, you don't have the actual reserves in your body needed to have natural energy on your own.

One reason is because your body has burned through it's mineral reserves. That's why I love giving the body more bio-available sources of...

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