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PODCAST: Are your minerals getting inside your cells?

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I’ve been really pimping out my electrolyte recipe lately and when people finally start using it they tend to like how it gives them a bit of a boost/lift. 
The fluid and electrolyte system, itself, in the body is dynamic and very difficult to measure. But we do know it depends on access to minerals dissolved in water and proper cellular absorption of those minerals making them bioavailable. 

Listen to episode #126 : Are your minerals getting inside your cells? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

One of the most important functions of electrolytes is to enhance cellular hydration. To most people, hydration just means there is enough water in the body but the real key is to get the water into the cells and make it stay there to perform its biological functions. 

Most people tell me: “I didn’t know I needed anything other than water to be hydrated” 

NOPE -tune in and get your learn on so you can increase your energy and vitality!

*by the way, I recommend listening to my podcast at 1.5x speed  (since I talk *painfully* slow)

Links that were mentioned in the episode if you want to dig further: 

  • Pico Potassium HERE 
  • My electrolyte recipe HERE 
  • Magnesium START HERE 
  • Topical Magnesium lotion HERE, or balm HERE
  • Learn more about my REMINERALIZE program  : HERE 

Find me on Instagram : @ OR @ holisticmineralbalancing
Find me on Telegram: A Joy To Be Me



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