Grab My Magic of Magnesium Starter Kit

Client testimonial: The most energy I've had in my life!

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Over the years I've worked with a lot of women (and now more men) to help unravel their health concerns. One of the biggest things I've noticed is that it's really hard for women to put themselves and their health first.
And I'm on a mission to shift that paradigm.

Listen to episode #119 : Client Testimonial: The most energy I've had in my life - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Your health is your greatest asset and gift. It's no one else's job to take care of your physical health. Only you can do that. Sure other people can encourage you, but no one can do it for you.

I learned the hard way and didn't put my health first for a long time as an adult. I wasn't really modeled how. I grew up on processed food just like you probably did. Once I finally learned better, I to make the choice to do better. So when my health finally did come crashing down, I finally took heed and started putting...

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PODCAST: Assessing Magnesium Deficiency

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

In this episode, I'm going back to one of the fundamentals of mineral balancing for overall health and covering MAGNESIUM.

Listen to episode #113 : Assessing Magnesium Deficiency - Find: A Joy To Be Me - ON: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I've talked about it many times on the podcast in the past but I'm always having the same conversation over and over with new people coming in. So I figured it was time to revisit an approach to magnesium, so more people can be more thorough in their approach with a better comprehension. PLUS, I share a 31 question assessment to help you gauge where you are at on the magnesium deficiency scale. Be ready to jot your answers down. 

I also shared how to approach getting adequate magnesium with a LOT of caveats -you are gonna want to tune and hear.

If you liked this episode, here are more you may also enjoy:

- How to destress with the most magical mineral 
- How to get...

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VIDEO: Minerals Protect Us From EMFs


I wanted to share a couple of cool things with you real quick

First a quick win story from a single mom of two little girls. She had been having a lot of difficulty at bedtime getting the girls to settle down to go to bed, stay in bed and fall asleep. It was beginning to take its toll. I suggested she try putting the ReMag balm on their feet before bed. She finally got back to tell me: it worked like a charm. The girls are going to bed peacefully now.

Before they would do the whole drag bedtime thing out, and this poor single momma was getting quite frazzled because that was her own decompress time. If you haven’t tried out the ReMag Balm yet, you can grab some
HERE. Use code: LydiaShatney on your first order to save 10%

Another benefit of magnesium in light of a pending topic I’ll be discussing with my friend Brian Hoyer, an EMF expert, on the podcast this week : is EMF protection.

Something to note that no one seems to be talking about while working on EMF protection...

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PODCAST: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you

Navigating food intolerances/sensitivities is something I have gone through myself and it’s something I have to explore with many clients as well. There can be a lot of moving parts to this food ‘allergy’ equation. It’s not as simple as ONLY avoiding or removing because then you never uncover what led to this and what can lead you back towards freedom.

That shared, in episode #106, I share some thoughts and a reframe for you as well as some considerations to start with before going straight to eliminating foods. 

Listen to Episode #106: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

It is important to honor our bodies where they are at when they signal a NO around a food. BUT it’s equally, if not more so, important to live in a FREE body. A body that doesn’t have to view real food as a threat. That is not a joyful way to have to live.

I’ve seen...

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An entire industry wrong about vitamin D

It’s that time of year… the time where here in the north we can convert sun into vitamin D through our skin in our bodies.

And I figured, it’s as good a time as any to review some things around ‘vitamin’ D.

In the past 7 years since I’ve been doing this work and educating on the hazards of supplementing vitamin D, not much has changed in the mainstream (in fact nothing has).

Perhaps a small ‘fringe’ growing minority asking better questions and trying to get to the root causes instead of slamming a high dose of supplemental D and calling it ‘good’.

One such root is LIMITED testing and LIMITED answers to perceived low levels.

The real answer is not pat. The real answer to your unique vitamin D production and physiological needs lies in asking WAY more questions. And cleaning up your whole lifestyle, environment and remineralizing your body so you can also detox more effectively.

Did you know that vitamin D can increase heavy...

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PODCAST: Cholesterol & Mineral Balancing (the real scoop)

Donations appreciated (PayPal Me)

In this episode I’m going to share how I use mineral analysis to dig deeper into the ‘cholesterol’ story. It goes much deeper than the information and suggested 'solutions' we receive from a regular doctor's visit. I offer an alternative corrective path to medication suppression.

Listen to the full episode #96 : Cholesterol & Mineral Balancing (the real scoop) - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

We really need to know it's possible for the body to heal and to prevent and not feel prey to being victims of genetics or our bodies.

Tune in to get your learn on as well as a new solution you can try if you need deeper support.

*I apologize for the glitchy sounds here and there in this recording -please bear with it as the info is really important!

Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner...

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PODCAST: Kidneys need minerals, not medication

In this episode, I'm talking about the health of your kidneys. Most of us take our kidneys for granted every single day. We don't really think about them until one day something goes wrong, like kidney stones for example. It's important to know in advance that the kidneys need minerals, not medication. 

Listen to Episode #79: Kidneys Need Minerals, Not Medication : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The kidneys maintain mineral and healthy fluid balance.

But you've got to give them the raw ingredients to work with so they don't struggle to do their job.

Kidneys need hydration to be ON POINT.
True hydration is water plus minerals
Dehydration concentrates calcium and other minerals in the urine.
Water follows salt. Salt has to be ON POINT.
Real salt consumed for your daily functioning needs.
Magnesium has to be ON POINT.
The kidney has a vital role in magnesium homeostasis, deficiency (which is common)causes them to struggle
A potassium rich diet...

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PODCAST: Hair Analysis vs Blood Analysis

In this episode, I talk you through the difference between hair analysis and blood analysis. 

Hair analysis (HTMA) and blood analysis are unique and measure different areas of the body. Since HTMA is less familiar, I thought I'd expound on how it offers a window into the cells to help balance body chem­istry. 

Listen to Episode #78 Hair Analysis vs Blood Analysis : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Modern medicine is unfamiliar with hair analysis because it's more of a corrective path to health versus diagnostic. We have to remember the allopathic model is very directly tied to a corrupt system with a focus on prescribing medication and surgery primarily. They are not trained in preventative medicine. 

Nutritional Therapy centers on the belief that real health can be achieved through a holistic and bio-individual approach to nutrition and lifestyle.This functional approach to health focuses on restoring balance to the...

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PODCAST: Understanding thyroid physiology and metabolism

In this episode I talk more about thyroid metabolism and how to support with a systemic approach. As well as a focus on nutrients in, toxins out.

Listen to Episode #75: Understanding thyroid physiology and metabolism : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Hair analysis shows additional and different information about thyroid activity than blood tests do and I feel it's incredibly valuable. Blood thyroid tests do not reveal much about thyroid physiology or metabolism. They usually only measure circulating hormones (T3 and T4) and pituitary stimulation of the thyroid (TSH). HTMA is excellent to help assess thyroid difficulties. It can indicate imbalances in many steps involved in thyroid hormone metabolism. 

Imbalances can occur at any stage of the production or utilization of thyroid hormone. The concepts of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are incomplete and often misleading as they only relate to hormone production and release.

If you...

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PODCAST: Potassium is crucial in anyone with hypothyroidism

I'm finally getting around to getting all my past podcast episodes posted here on the blog for you. On the heels of my last episode; Let's Wake Up Your Thyroid, I'm digging in further on one of my favorite minerals. 

In this episode, I'm sharing a primer on a key macro mineral that is crucial for women in burnout (with hypothyroidism). I share a little bit about how I've seen it trending low over the past 7 years seeing thousands of mineral analysis on clients/students. Why it's important to get enough in your diet daily and how. What it does for your whole systemic function and how it causes problems when it's deficient. 

I referred back to episode 54 for more on minerals and thyroid health. As well, podcast episode 38 and 40 where I dug into vitamin D more so you can see if from a different perspective than the mainstream is currently discussing. Also, episodes 18-21 are all about copper and how it's become a big problem and how it deranges the mineral system. 


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